The Tiger Synchro

I’ve been using the I Ching for a great many years. But even so, all too often I seem to get answers that are so obscure  I end up putting the book away. But recently, our friend, Nancy Pickard, who has used the I Ching for years, sent us an astonishing synchro involving this divination system.  She used an online I Ching source for this question:

From Nancy:

I had a cool dream about tigers and asked the I Ching what it meant. You will not believe what I got. It not only gives me a direct tiger answer, but even a picture of one!

Hexagram 49/Line 5 changing

Nine in the fifth place means: The great man changes like a tiger.

Even before he questions the oracle, he is believed.

A tigerskin, with its highly visible black stripes on a yellow ground, shows its distinct pattern from afar. It is the same with a revolution brought about by a great man: large, clear guiding lines become visible, understandable to everyone. Therefore he need not first consult the oracle, for he wins the spontaneous support of the people.


Direct, isn’t it?!



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14 Responses to The Tiger Synchro

  1. Natalie says:

    I love the I ching too! I do it most mornings on waking and it is SO spot on. Will go and have a look at the online one. Thanks.

  2. Nancy Pickard says:

    And of course, right now I’m looking up tigers in a book I just bought that you guys will love, T&R. It’s a book of lectures by Barbara Hannah who was an associate of Jung’s. Title: The Archetypal Symbolism of Animals. It’s GREAT.

    Thank you so much for saving that email I sent you about my reading. I had lost track of it! And I’m delighted that some people here tried the I Ching site today and were impressed. I love it, and I like that its background source is the Wilhelm I Ching.

    Love to you both and Megger and the animal kids. . .

    • R and T says:

      Oh, a new Jungian type book! That’s for the recommendation. I’ll download it. Just used the ching site today…difficulty at the beginning, related to editor’s take on ghost key. So, we’ll see.

      Hug to you and your mom and the critters!

  3. friend of nica says:

    i went over to the iching online right after reading this post – of the couple of questions i asked, the responses were so unnervingly right on i was amazed! absolutely incredible!!!

  4. Just did a little yard work for mom. Nice to get a good workout while enjoyin this fine weather. Now time to workout some kinks on the links

  5. Tiger Mothers, Tiger Blood, and Tiger Woods, oh my! Its Tigers everywhere these days!

  6. Nancy says:

    I went to the site and asked two questions – both we accurate – thanks for the link!

  7. whoot says:

    yeah Tiger synchros there ya go.

  8. Yes, the I Ching is often amazingly direct.
    About Tigers, Hexagram 10 – Treading is full of tigers but of course the meaning of that for the dreamer would be very different than the one she got for Revolution/molting.

    I often use the I Ching to amplify a dream, finding their symbolic language similar.

    • R and T says:

      Nancy really likes that i ching online site. I use it periodically, too, and it does seem to make a lot of sense…more sense, sometimes, than the wilhelm text.

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