A Synchro Encounter of the Fourth Kind

Here are a couple of UFO/alien-related synchros. Well, at least one of them is. The other one is just sort of silly, but it happened when I was preparing to write the real one. So I’ll include it first.

I (Rob) was looking around the house for Noah’s Frisbee. He’s our golden retriever. I looked behind the couch in the family room, didn’t see it, then looked up at the television, which was on, and there was a guy in the foreground facing the camera and holding up a Frisbee. It was the same color as Noah’s! And, of course, Frisbees look like UFOs! Okay, it’s not really a UFO-related synchro, but the next one takes us deep into the contact phenomenon.

This is a story related to me by Sandy, the woman we’ve written about before who is in frequent contact with alien beings…and when I say contact, I mean physical contact. The beings who have been visiting her since 1995 don’t abduct her, but are engaged in what seems to be ‘energy work.’

I’ll let Sandy tell the story.

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I had a very cool synchronicity this weekend that I want to share with you! I was going through some old journal entries this weekend and came across one that involved the beings telling me to go to 3 Reiki sessions (I think it was 1995), so I was thinking about all the energy work they do and remembered that I bought a book about Reiki a couple of years ago titled Hands of Light, by Barbara Brennan, but I never read it.

When I pulled it off my bookshelf on Saturday, it still looked brand new and untouched and even had the sales receipt in between the pages. So I flipped it open and came across an illustration of the aura around hands with a description at the bottom of page stating that “The energy bodies pull like taffy between the fingers…”

This is amazing because in my June 9 1997 journal entry, I wrote: “We (Sandy and her husband George) sat up in bed and played with this amazing energy field that surrounded both of us! It was almost sticky and when we would bring our hands close to the other’s the energy would merge.

When I closed my eyes and held my hands about 8 inches apart, George would pass his hand through the energy field between them and I could feel his hand! George described it as putting his hand in magnetic water. We could actually touch each other without physical contact using this energy field. It was so much fun!

Whenever I would place my palms facing each other the energy appeared as glowing white, and small sparkles and flashes would be produced. After about an hour we were tired and settled in to sleep.

Right before I drifted off I asked what that was all about and received the answer “You are living the future.” The energy field stayed with us for 3 days, growing fainter each night until it was just webbing around our fingers. Too cool.”

So, this had my attention and I spent a lot of time reading parts of this book this weekend and then looked up the author, Barbara Ann Brennan online, wondering if she might have a workshop I could attend. Well, not only is she located in Florida, but there’s a 2-day Hands of Light workshop in Sarasota in February. I signed up.

I think this is where I’ll learn to really work with this energy the beings have opened me up to. It all fell together in a most unexpected way! I love when that happens.


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2 Responses to A Synchro Encounter of the Fourth Kind

  1. Nancy says:

    I also have that book on my bookshelf, without reading it. I look forward to hearing about your experience in February.

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