About Sydney Omarr


A few weeks ago when Rob was on Coast to Coast, we received an email from a woman who took exception to something Rob had written on his website about the ten years we wrote the Sydney Omarr series of books.

This was something of a synchronicity because recently, we’ve been receiving e-mails from his long-time readers, asking where the 2015 books were. And we had to tell them that NAL – Penguin – who had been Omarr’s publisher for years before we took over the series in 2003 – had discontinued the books. Last week, my agent said that another publisher may be interested in reviving the series and, suddenly, this woman’s email arrived out of the blue. Omarr, a cluster of synchros.

Here was the original statement Rob wrote: “In addition, I co-authored astrology books with Trish under the name Sydney Omarr for ten years. That was 13 books a year—whew! How did we do that?”

Here is Ann’s email:

Hi, I have a question please. The way you wrote this, to me it reads as if you had a pen name of “Sydney Omarr”. There was no mention of the actual astrologer in your statement. Why not?  There was an actual Sidney Omarr, but the way you wrote the paragraph below it’s as if you and Trish wrote it all, together “how did we do that” is what you said.  I know Omarr died in 2003. “Co-authored with Trish”. What about Omarr ?  Or were you carrying on under his name after he died?  How did that come about ? Just curious !

The background on Omarr,  one of the most famous 20th century astrologers, is that he and I shared the same agent. In early 1999, Al asked if I would consider ghostwriting a book for Omarr on what the new millennium held astrologically.

At the time, Omarr was blind and bedridden with multiple sclerosis. Up until the millennial book, he had been dictating the material to an assistant. He apparently had been able to visualize a chart in his mind, visualize where the various daily transits fell, and provided 365 daily predictions for each of the 12 signs. This is a big undertaking for a sighted astrologer who has software, a computer, and an ephemeris to consult. I can’t even begin to imagine how a blind person can do this. It’s a tribute to Omarr’s intellect and his understanding of astrology.

He and I chatted several times after I agreed to ghostwrite the millennial book. He was a true Leo – big-hearted, humorous, larger than life. And within a few minutes of our talking, he pegged me for a Gemini. After that millennial book, I did a couple other ghostwriting projects with him. Then, in 2003, when he passed away, Al asked if Rob and I would take over the series. He had apparently arranged it with Omarr. So, that was the beginning of our Omarr journey.

The books numbered 13 a year – an annual, which had general astrological info, trends for the particular year, and monthly roundups for the 12 signs. The other books were for each sign and included daily predictions based on the transits of the moon and other planets, as well as Omarr’s unique numerological system, which he told us about before he died.

Rob learned enough about astrology so that the 13 books became a joint effort and we were honored to write them. They helped get our daughter through college debt free and kept us on top of astrological trends every year for a decade. We were sorry when NAL decided that the 2014 books would be the last.

When I summarized this for Ann in an email, she replied:

It would look better if some of that was added. Because many people knew Sydney Omarr was an astrologer but the way it was worded on your website it kind of sounded as if Sydney Omarr might have been your pen name…in a way that was true,  but it also leaves out a lot, you know ?  As if someone was taking credit for any book with the Sydney Omarr name.  I mean I read it and made that “leap,” you know ?  But he wrote many books himself, on his own.   Really, people reading that on your site might suppose that you and Rob ARE “Sydney Omarr”, and always were {pen name}.  That’s all. Thanks for the reply.

I explained that in the back of every Omarr book, his bio was given – not ours. Her response:

Yes, I know on his books, but if someone had not ever picked up one of his books, maybe had just heard about him, you know ? Or read a book and then later, years later, they see a statement and don’t think of checking a book.  Thank you for understanding what I meant though. I think Sydney was a cool astrologer.  I really appreciate the response. You guys did a good job on his books because I kept buying them ! 

The upshot is that Rob changed the statement on his website (scroll to the bottom) and I’m finally setting the record straight: we did NOT write any Omarr books before the millennial book that was published in 2000.

And now I’m beginning to wonder if there’s some spirit communication going on here. Sydney, are you around? Over there on the other side, are you doing birth chart possibilities for souls who are intending to reincarnate soon? Is there some type of new, futuristic astrology you’re mastering? I’m attuned for synchros about this!


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14 Responses to About Sydney Omarr

  1. Donna says:

    I’ve been reading Sydney Omarr books for many years now and I’ve always looked forward to buying the new years book every year. I always picked one up during the last week or so of Dec and was and still am very sad to find out there won’t be a 2015 book. I know there’s no replacing Sydney, but is there another book that you might recommend to me that might be similar to Sydney Omarr’s?

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Thanks for dropping by, Donna. Rob and I have decided to do the books for 2016 through Crossroad Books, who published our backlist and several of our original synchronicity books. We’ll be post about it here.

  2. Jinjer says:

    Ugh. Wanted to get the 2015 Sagittarius book for my sister’s birthday and discovered there aren’t any 2015 books. That sucks. Hope you get a new publisher. Loved Sydney and his books.

  3. Darren B says:

    My middle name is Sydney. 🙂

  4. I am very interested in sydney Omarrs day by day. Have been buying it for years!
    Will you let me know if someone picks it up?

  5. DJan says:

    Gosh, I learn more about the two of you all the time! I knew that you, Trish, are adept at astrology, but I didn’t know all this. Thanks for the link to Rob’s page, it works now. 🙂

  6. Very interesting story – thanks for sharing this. Abbe has a point.
    Maybe you should call one of your cats Sidney. 🙂

    Rob’s link didn’t work.

  7. Interesting how people interpret things differently – we all see things differently. (The link to Rob’s website isn’t working).

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