On the Synchro Highway

1967DodgeA10003 ’67 Dodge van, but no white stripe

We’ve written a number of times about the possible link between UFO/alien encounters and synchronicity. Usually these synchronicities crop up near the time of the experience, especially in the aftermath. But do significant synchros that happen years later have anything to do with an earlier UFO-related experiences? Hard to say. But here’s one such story.

David Malcolm used to work for AUTEC, the secret Navy base that has been called the Underwater Area 51. He had a significant UFO sighting and strange experiences while employed on the base as a civilian. I met David several years ago while I was involved with a UFO Hunter episode on Andros Island in the Bahamas, home of AUTEC. We’ve kept in occasional contact over the years as he is someone attuned to synchronicity.

This is a simple story but one of those synchros that you have to just shake your head and say, ‘What are the chances?’ Here it is:


It’s been some time since I have had a significant synchronicity and I’m not sure if it’s mine or my daughter Megan’s, but here’s how it goes.
When I was a young driver I briefly owned a 1967 Dodge Van, a so called hippie van. It was painted green with a white stripe and the predecessor of other vans to come for me. Being my first, it was a favorite.
Recently, while visiting my daughter, her husband and their child, my grandson Jake was playing with his Matchbox cars. My son-in-law said to Jake, “Show Pop mommy’s favorite car.” Astonishingly, he handed me a 1967 green Dodge van with a white stripe.
I never mentioned owning such a van to my daughter. It was long gone years and years before my daughter was born and there was no way she would have known the the full size version of that toy vehicle was a favorite of mine.
I’ve always suspected she had the gift and I think this confirms it.
You’ve got to wonder  how odd it is that Megan would even find such a dated vehicle as a toy. Interesting, too—though not an astonishing synchro—is that Dave and I both have daughters named Megan.
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6 Responses to On the Synchro Highway

  1. Shadow says:

    This is quite astounding…

  2. Maybe our children and grandchildren carry with them some of our important memories. But in this case a remarkable synchro.

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