Mysteries of the dream world


I received an e-mail recently from a man who said that he’d had forty years of encounters with mysterious beings. Jim Finn wrote me after listening to a radio interview I’d done about BUMP IN THE NIGHT: Ghosts, Spirits & Alien Encounters. He said that he agrees with me that there’s a blurring at times between spirit phenomena and alien encounters. Sometimes they appear together. Other times it’s difficult to tell whether a being is from the realm of the dead or from an alien craft.

Jim also questions whether dreams of such beings are just that – dreams – or are they actual encounters with entities of various stripes? One thing is certain though, when three people who don’t know each other well, all recall the same mysterious dream character, it’s truly a synchronicity, a meaningful coincidence.

Here’s one such story from Jim.


One day years back, I was talking with some friends and one of the women said she had a weird experience, waking to find someone in her room one night. The description she gave was of a tall male wearing what seemed to be a top hat and cape. He didn’t do anything, he didn’t say anything – he was just there.

Time passed and I had forgotten all about it, until one night I was having what I would say was a common sleep paralysis dream event. Except that mine always came with a complete bodily vibration effect (which does seem to be a normal part of the SP picture in some cases).

Anyway, I was consciously fighting to move, and the more I fought the stronger the vibration and the paralysis became. I seemed to finally manage to move to a slightly bent “L” position on the bed and I fought to open my eyes. What I saw shocked me. There was a light coming in through the window, and the shadow of a tall man with what seemed to be a cape and – some kind of hat, just standing at the foot of the bed nearer to the wall.

Nothing was said, nothing happened, but according to what I had written in earlier notes, I shouted at him in my head to get out of my room, at which time there was a fearful screech like a big bird. At that point it was over and I woke up in a more normal position. Did it happen? I eventually remembered what the woman had told us that day. But I just dismissed it as typical residue from my daily life – until….

I was subbing at schools in North Carolina some years later, when a girl in one of my classes was talking about her odd phobias. She feared this, she feared that – and, she had a fear of – Abe Lincoln. Abe Lincoln?

I asked her later why and she began to tell me about a very strange event in her life. She woke up one night, and there at the foot of the bed was this (you guessed it) tall man with a cape and a hat, and he reminded her of Abe Lincoln. Same story, he didn’t say anything, he didn’t do anything – he was just there.

This young girl’s life was not connected to either mine, or the woman I had originally talked with as we were in another state at that time. Yet she had the exact same experience.

Was it all real? Did we ALL see the same person? Or was this just more residue of the day, fed from a source that was seen or heard somewhere, but not remembered?

There is enough information all around to say that sometimes these experiences just may be real, sometimes not. What we need is a conscious effort to create a dividing line; we need to question the event. For me today, breaking things down to a least common denominator begins by asking – what was learned?

If I can’t figure it out, if nothing is learned, I just log it in my head as entertainment only. Like a cool movie, it was just that. I never had a dream where I learned anything, where I was told anything, so it has to be logged as entertainment only because that’s all it is – entertainment.


Jim is somewhat dismissive of his experience, but the fact that he encountered two others who had similar strange dreams seems to suggest that it’s something more than mere entertainment. But maybe some synchros occur just to show us that there is more to life—a deeper reality—than our everyday world.

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3 Responses to Mysteries of the dream world

  1. Never heard of this top hat and cape man before. Like you say above the mothman (and also shadow people) don’t seem to appear in dreams. Being drawn to someone also having a similar dream must be significant for some reason. Interesting.

    I’ve had sleep paralysis a couple of times and it’s scary – both times I was shouting out for help but couldn’t make anyone hear me.

  2. lauren raine says:

    For some reason, this reminded me, as imagery, of the “Mothman” stories……..a black figure with a cape or wings?

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