Weird Coincidence Survey- and Happy Thanksgiving!


Bernard Beitman, whom we’ve written about before on the blog, is a visiting professor of psychiatry at University of Virginia in Charlottesville. He’s studying coincidences and has written a book on the topic, Connecting with Coincidence.

He emailed us today that his site on coincidence/synchronicity has gone live and asked visitors if they would take the Weird Coincidence Survey. I spent a few minutes this evening taking the survey. It was fun! Anyone at all familiar with synchronicity will see he’s hit all the salient points.

You can also read about Bernard’s book  and visit his blog.  What I really love about all this is that Bernard is the first psychiatrist since Carl Jung to attempt to systematize the study of coincidences. As you’ll see when you poke around his site, it’s partly because of his own experiences.

I can’t wait to read the book!


To all our American friends, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

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One Response to Weird Coincidence Survey- and Happy Thanksgiving!

  1. It’s an interesting website, thanks for the reminder!

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