What a coincidence…


After Men’s Health Magazine published the article on Coincidence, which we reviewed, they asked readers on their Facebook page to post their best coincidences. Here are a few:

Wayne Hood I worked for Office Movers in 2001. We were hired by The Pentagon to clear out an entire wing for remodeling and installing new office furniture and supplies. Tuesday morning, September 11, we were called off of work around 6:30 a.m for the day. I thought “sweet, day off!” The wing that the plane hit is the one we were working in…

Mike McCarthy In October 2012 I was walking in Boston with my girlfriend. She was stopped by a homeless man looking for change and we felt compelled to give him some cash – she gave a dollar and I gave two. As we walked away he said ‘hey, I’ll get you back’ and we shrugged it off. Later that night I got in a car accident. My Mustang lost traction on a rainy highway and I went off into the woods. Big rocks everywhere and I slid into a soft shrub. Completely unharmed after ‘exiting’ the highway at about 50 mph, I walked a little dazed up the embankment and back up to the breakdown lane. Between exits by a mile in either way, there laying in the breakdown lane were three soggy dollar bills. To this day I believe that homeless man was my guardian angel.

Larry Johnson Lost the cross from my chain during a brain scan (I was heavily sedated). 11 days later during a follow up scan in the same room (lucid this time) one of the techs mentions to another that they found a cross on the floor. Neither tech was talking to me. Neither was in the room the first time. I got my cross back.

Steve Gunther Two friends came to my party in Minneapolis. They had never met but we discovered they had lived in the same house in Skaneateles, NY. One sold it to an Indian couple and the other bought it from the Indian couple.

Robert L. Sanchez I’ve been a Boy Scout leader for many years. When I signed up for their advanced leader training a couple of years ago, the training required a complete physical to participate. Even though my father died from it, an an older brother already had it, I had gotten careless about going in and having a PSA test for prostate cancer. My yearly tests had been negative for many years, and I slacked off. The physical for the leader training came out positive though, and it was determined that I had stage 2 prostate cancer. I went to the training, and 3 weeke later, I had a radical prostatectomy. It’s been 3 years now, and (so far) I’m cancer free. Turns out that the leader of the training class had the same thing, and found it the same way. Getting our physicals for Boy Scout advanced leader training quite possibly saved our lives.

There was one more that I didn’t include because it was kind of complicated about a woman who changed doctors and combined multiple health issues. But I noticed that the writer’s name was Katy Purr, and that she wrote that she had a gyno issue (colloquially, one might say in a men’s magazine forum that she had a ‘pussy’ problem), and, yeah, she had a cat scan. Okay, sorry about that one.


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10 Responses to What a coincidence…

  1. That Mike McCarthy coincidence story gave me the chills (the good kind!). I’ve read in some spiritual book that sometimes we are tested with our faith and generosity, and his story illustrates exactly that point. Our guardian angels appearing as homeless people is perfect, because so often, we pass these people by without looking them in the eye or acknowledging their existence (I’m very guilty of this). Who knows what tests we are being given and fail to respond appropriately?

  2. blah blah says:

    boy buys major classic “fiction” (used),, goes on road,,,, crossing over territory written about in book,,,, one morn. after leaving gym,,,, he heats can of food behind low parking lot wall while walking up to certain blvd…. busses further south to another city,, where following eve, 36 hrs. later, while in barrio grocery store, women in front of him (20 or so items) drops one item off back of conveyor belt,, directly into hand basket on floor,,,, same exact item, size, as heated morn before,,, in-between that time (or at least with in a day or 2 , not sure),, he reads in the major classic of the intersection he was walking towards,,,,, couple of days later,, while’st in city father south,, he loses book,, inadvertently throwing (half liquored NFL playoff morn) it away,,,, with in couple of days,,,, library used book sale (where originally bought,, diff county) he inquires,,,, and there it is center stack, top, right in front of volunteer librarian woman…… book/story originally written in town boy,,, has spend 1/4 cen… plus visitng “reguraly”,,,,,,

  3. Nice set of coincidences. Liked the Mike McCarthy and the Guardian Angel best.

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