Another Name Synchro


In this name synchro, there seemed to be some sort of telepathic component to it. See what you think:

On Christmas morning, we were outside with Nika and Noah and our neighbor, Annette, also came out with her kids and dog. While our dogs, Nika and Noah, ran around the front yard chasing her German short-haired pointer, she and I gabbed for a while about what we’d gotten for Christmas. Her cat, Copper, was in our tree, watching the dogs from a safe spot:


“I have a great synchro for you, Trish.”

“Let’s hear it.”

Annette is an identical twin and she and her sister have told us some great synchros that we’ve posted about their telepathic connection. But this one, as it turned out, wasn’t a twin synchro.

On Christmas Eve, she said, a male friend and his girlfriend stopped by her house and were all excited about the new dog they’re getting later this week. It’s a black and white French bulldog, like the pooch in the picture at the top of the post. The friends showed her some photos they had of the dog.

“This dog was adorable,” Annette said. “And as I was looking at the pictures, I commented that her name should be Bella. The guy glanced at me. ‘What’d you just say, Annette?’ So I repeated that the dog looked like a Bella.” She paused, laughing. “So the guy says, ‘That’s what we named her!’”

Telepathic? That was how it struck me and when I told Rob and Megan, they agreed.

Curiously, Annette did something similar when we first brought our golden retriever home in November 2009, but in reverse. At the time, his name was Presley and when Annette initially met him, she said, “He’s not a Presley. He’s a Noah. That’s his soul name.”

And the name felt right for him and that’s who he came.

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8 Responses to Another Name Synchro

  1. c.j. Cannon says:

    Thank you, DJan! I wish I could post a photo of my Storm. Except for her “lightning bolt” on her chest, she is a solid color….the blackchocolate that I mentioned. The thing about her appearance that is so stunning is that she actually SHINES. It’s extremely unusual to see a dog whose coat literally shines to the point that it reflects sunlight. Goes without saying that she has her daddy (my hubby) and I totally wrapped. I have every reason to believe she has been with me in the past and has returned to share my life again. This probably sounds insane, but there are times when I tentatively wonder if human souls might occasionally decide to experience a life as an animal, if there is a reason for it. The paranormal “authorities” say there is no such thing as transmigration between human and animal souls, but I’m not so sure I agree. I don’t think Storm has a human soul, but I DO simply KNOW she has been with me in the past, and is probably the reincarnation of my Great Dane from many years ago, because she looks like a miniature of Midge, (Midge weighed 120lbs; Storm weighs 60lbs), and has her exact same personality characteristics. I lost Midge to lepto spirosis after we had bred her. Lost all thirteen of her precious pups as well, who had contracted that terrible disease through the umbilicals. It was devastating. But….Midge even had the exact same shaped white “lightning bolt” on her chest that Storm does, and there are so many other significant similarities that make me believe she is my Midge, , my soul mate canine companion, come home again!

  2. blah blah says:

    AHHHH,, the deleting,, so disappointing,,,, David B???… come on you guys remember,,,, see it happened like this,,,, something happened,,,, boy USES phrase,,,,, then in the next hour (in transit) or so he starts hearing the phrase left and right,, maybe 4 times “have a great day” small coincidence I know (deja-vu redundant blab??),,, in that time frame he also saw a name badge with particular…….. then we spin some (try it) letters,,,, and then we recall……. upon recalling, we ‘post’ cause we thought we being clever and entertaining,, upon posting we, misspell and “spin” a couple of more letters (simple reversal) upon looking at reversal,,, say to ourselves (safe and sane selves),, Hey that looks pretty good,, actually quite “Metaphorically Appropriate” considering said story,,, that night where in town where classic fiction written,,, “standing” on “own” footprint from decades past,,, watching news,,,,, WAlaaaaaa!!!! David B….. really couldn’t believe our eyes,,, but what choice does one have!!

  3. blah blah says:

    OH yeah,,, to make use of a cyber street….. since the boy does not navigate quite so well…… yeah that’s a “great” (won’t elaborate,, synchro) name,,,,, the one up there in Duck country,,,, a melding of “attitude”,,,,, lack there of,,,,, many would not consider a certain someone of that same temperament,,,,, heated cans of food,,,, and football game timing (MANY) have him kind of,,,
    well let’s just say a guy by the name of Kramer (love the show),,,, would use his hand up around shoulder height,,,, in an extending, oscillating horizontal motion to describe the effects of some things,,,,, trying to exist how James R. (WE HAVE TO KNOW THAT ONE) told him,,, “stay center” yet we feel all over the map…. yeah James R… sssshh’d the boy as his wife was trying to put a 1,000 into a trance…… go figure……

  4. DJan says:

    OH, I laughed and cried over e.j.’s post about Storm. What a wonderful story. I know there are soul mates out there for us all, and she knew it, too. So did Storm. And when she saw her soul mate show up, it was just meant to be. I love these stories, they affirm to me the ether of connections that are unseen but just every bit as real as anything. 🙂

  5. c.j. cannon says:

    I love this little post! When my yellow Lab, Sunshine, was in her final days with cancer, in the midst of my grief and sorrow knowing what I was going to soon be forced to do….and did….in my mind I kept seeing a black Lab whose name was “Storm”. My heart was broken over Sunshine’s loss, and I felt I simply did not want another pup yet. It was far too soon. But I kept being pulled to our local humane society, a no-kill shelter, and finally one day the pull was so great it wouldn’t leave me alone. So, I asked my son to drive me out there. We started strolling thru the kennel, and in the second kennel, by herself, a young (four month old) black lab was laying alone, very sad-looking, on a blanket. When she saw me, she jumped up and got so excited, putting her paws on the gate, trying to push it to get to me. The young woman who worked there expressed astonishedment, telling us that this dog was extremely aloof and wouldn’t have anything to do with ANYONE. She tolerated being petted, but didn’t seek bing touched nor did she interact with the personnnel or anyone else. I asked if we could take her out, and when we got outside and I sat in a chair, the pup came and leaned on my leg and put her head in my lap, gazing in my eyes. I KNEW she was mine, and somehow knew she’d been waiting for me, and of course I brought her home. She had no name, but I knew she was Storm….because she has a white lightning bolt on her chest….and she responded to it immediately. She is my precious canine angel; have had her now since 12-7-2012, and she is two years old+ and attached to me at the hip. Her “back-story”: Her owner is an AKC breeder for Labrador Retrievers. Her sire is chocolate, her female is black. She doesn’t let them “get-together” because a litter wouldn’t meet the color standard for AKC registry. Well, the chocolate and black Pop and Mom dogs DID manage somehow to get together, and a small litter was born. The owner couldn’t sell them with pedigrees, Storm happened to be the runt, and it seems the breeder couldn’t find her a home so took her to the facility. She is gorgeous; a blackchocolate, shiny satin color like a Hershey bar, and the most intelligent canine I’ve ever seen. I have no doubt the owner couldn’t find her a home because she was meant for ME, and she (Storm) was just waiting for me to come and find her. I was led to her, I’m sure, and she, or someone (?), telepathically or otherwise told me her name before I ever saw her. These things make us KNOW there are powerful invisible forces at work in our lives, (synchronicities), if we just pay attention. And I have my wonderful Storm as a result!

  6. Telepathy or do we sometimes just ‘know’ things, without rhyme or reason.

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