Eureka! Eureka!


Let’s say you’re trying to solve a problem and suddenly the answer comes to you while you’re doing something totally unrelated…and you’re not even thinking about the problem. No cause and effect. That’s synchronicity, and such synchros lie at the heart of the creative process…and creativity lies at the heart of synchronicity.

It’s the space between.

“The space between…is the space hat lies between the observer and the observed; it is the space of the creative act that brings a poem or painting to life.” – F. David Peat, Pathways of Change

In our book, The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, we called Secret 4 The Creative. “Most of us have a creative talent or interest that we would like to nurture and develop. But we find all sorts of reasons to procrastinate…If you fail to nurture your creativity, you’ll close yourself off to synchronicities that could lead you to the right opportunities and people at the right time.”

But watch out. When you open up to creativity, you never know what you might do. Take the case of Archimedes.

The king of Syracuse, in ancient Greece, wanted to find out if a certain crown was made of real gold, and who but his favorite scientist, Archimedes, could determine this without mutilating the crown? It’s said that Archimedes suddenly hit upon the idea for an answer when he set foot in a full bathtub and the tub overflowed.

He was so exalted that he ran naked in the streets of Syracuse shouting “Eureka! Eureka! I found it! I found it!” The solution Archimedes discovered started a new branch of hydrostatics.

Thank you, Amit Goswami, author the Quantum Creativity, for that example…the naked truth!


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6 Responses to Eureka! Eureka!

  1. Nancy says:

    I love it – the space between. Which if I understand it right, is where all things begin to coalesce into matter.

  2. DJan says:

    That’s a fun visual, thinking of him running through the streets like that, naked as the day he was born. I wonder if it really happened. Creativity is everywhere; we just have to tune into it, don’t you think? 🙂

  3. I notice that with something like crosswords – I can’t find a couple of answers, so forget about them, and then the answer pops into my head from ‘nowhere’.

    I’ve been low on sychros recently: must get those creative juices working – thanks for the reminder!

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