Hannah’s Ones


Ever since I put up a contact form on our blog, we’ve been getting a lot of email. I just wish this widget had existed when we stated the blog nearly 6 years ago. Today, we received an interesting email from a woman named Hannah Liddle, from the UK:

Hi, I have been reading your book ‘The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity and would really like to be able to share some stories with you as I am quite stuck with this stuff but would really like to use it in a positive way. I experience many types of synchronicity but there are some that intrigue me more than others as I have never come across any one else experiencing the same sort of thing. I feel a bit beaten down with it today as I was given an email address of someone currently making a film on the subject and it was though synchronicity i got the email. I was so excited until today when he basically got back to me and told me that what I am experiencing is meaningless. This has really upset me. I don’t know what I was expecting but it certainly was not that. Anyway as I said, I would love to tell you my stories if you are interested. Kind regards Hannah.

Naturally we were interested. Here’s her fascinating number synchro.


Ok so this started when I was 28 years old and spending a lot of time in Glastonbury and I found out about numerology. One day I was wasting time so I decided to add up my name:

Hannah = 28 = 10 = 1

I then decided to try my middle name:  Marie = 28 = 10 = 1

Then tried my surname:  Liddle = 28 = 10 = 1

Obviously I see a pattern so I tried my date of birth (my birthday is on the Autumn equinox which is significant later)

22/09/1977 = 55 = 10 = 1

My mother kept records from when I was born, my birth time: 10am = 1

I grew up all my life living at house number 1

I also know that i was going to be called Adam if I was a boy, Adam being the so-called 1st man in Christianity. Adam = 10 = 1 (This is the same in both methods of numerology)

I later found out about the Chaldean method of numerology so I was intrigued by then:

Hannah = 22

Marie = 4

Liddle = 2

Added together 22 + 4 + 2 = 28 = 10 = 1

The time of year I was born in Judaism is called Rosh Hashanah (note it has my name in it) This literally means 1st of year or head of year.

Hana in Albania means Moon and e Hane refers to Monday the 1st day of the week.

I was later chatting to a guy in Turkey and when he asked my name he said that means one. I asked what he meant, he said its like Neo in the matrix and has to do with a Korean martial art.  Later I found out he meant Han-mu-do.

The Han philosophy for Han-mu-do means: One or United, Head or Leader, Bright or Optimism and Higher learning.

I later was telling my friend all of this and she had been teaching English in Korea and she said the way you say one is Hana.

The name date for Hannah is 26th July (its St Anne or St Hannah, Jesus’ Grandmother). The 26th July is the 1st day of the Mayan calendar.

In the Coptic Egyptian calendar the month I was born -September – is 1st of Thoth. It also is the beginning of their calendar.

I was quite depressed when all this started and I was looking at it negatively because I thought it was confirming that I really am all alone. Then I looked at the word alone and noticed that really it says all-one so then I started to see it in a positive way and I started to read more about how everything and everyone is connected.

It has helped me learn more than school ever did. Everywhere I go in the world people know my name because it is very old and through it all this came about.

I will be so pleased to hear what you think.


Our next post will include the filmmaker’s response, and an analysis by an expert numerologist. One…one…one…one….


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27 Responses to Hannah’s Ones

  1. C.J. Cannon says:

    A little while go I attempted a comment, but my computer crashed on me. I don’t think the comments went thru, as I didn’t finish or do the little math thingie. So, hope this isn’t a repeat! Responding (courteously) to “oogle git”…..how does the scorekeeper keep score on the games you enjoy? With numbers. How do you know how old you are? With numbers. How do you choose which channel to watch your games on? With numbers. How do you know how much money is in your pocket? With numbers. How does the government know who you are? With your social security number.How do we tell time? With numbers. Numbers: on and on and on. Our planet, our universe, the solar system, and everything on them and within them, are measurable by numbers…..numbers which represent frequencies. What if Einstein had not developed his Theory of Relativity? Tesla all his discoveries? Edison all his inventions? We would still be stuck ‘way back there ‘somewhere between the Dark Ages and Now. Numbers, including arithmetic, higher mathematics, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, etc., have existed until they were discovered; have existed since Creation, apparently. We are able to determine the time of an archeological “find” by performing a test called “carbon 14”. Yet another number. Numbers (frequencies) existed prior to the various alphabets around the world, in all cultures. And to each alphabet, an alpha-numeric system exists. These alpha-numeric systems are ancient, and when humans began to have individual names, the alpha-numeric frequencies were “assigned” to that name according to the number-frequency carried by each letter. Without these countless (no pun intended) methods of measuring and designating influences, our universal existence would be Chaos. Note to Hannah: All those 1s….WOW! They indicate that in at least one, and probably more, past life incarnations, your persona was timid, shy, humble, to a fault. In the current incarnation, your Soul chose all those 1s because it decided it was ready for its expression to stand up and shout “WHOA! I AM!” To be the individual that you are on your most essential Beingness. That #1, especially being all over the place in your life, is bringing you endless opportunities to have new ideas, to function as an individual against all odds and interference, to be creative and to bring
    fresh thoughts into manifestation, to find and explore your own special abilities and talents and to not be afraid to carry those forward. Numbers are Constants. They don’t lie, and we count (not another pun!) on them in every aspect of our lives from the very moment of our birth. #1 is a wonderful frequency, Hannah! Embrace it, and live it to its fullest potential! You’ll see amazing synchronicities evolving and coming your way!

    • Thank you so much!! Its great to hear real positivity about this, as i mentioned before i don’t always find this easy to talk about because it is so personal but i love it and i shouldn’t have to keep it to myself. It helps me and if i don’t ask for help with this along the way or even just to talk about it it will be a waste and to the person who says i am ill-informed go google it all for yourself! Also Mathematics is a universal language…..i hated maths at school haha 🙂

  2. lauren raine says:

    I think what makes it difficult to communicate about synchros to others sometimes is because they are personal – they relate to symbols and experiences unique to the individual.

  3. blah blah says:

    O yeah and really in all honesty… with out sarcasm have the feeling this number reduction algorithm thing be a might bit excessively “ill informed”… in all honesty folks.. sorry to say to Norry’s Ms. Albright??

  4. blah blah says:

    looks like David B. made the news again,,, something about a “coach”, but might be wrong David B…. but what about the carriage……

  5. DJan says:

    How could anybody who knows ANYTHING not be fascinated by all those ones? I look forward to hearing his response. 🙂

  6. Six years ago I used the word “synchronicity” in one of my first blog posts and got a comment from this guy who wanted me to expand on what I meant because he didn’t see the synchronicity in what I had posted. I may have given up blogging if I hadn’t gotten that question from – Rob MacGregor. It’s not a story to inspire hollywood magic but I am grateful for the changes that simple exchange has generated.

  7. The security sum I had to do for this post was 7 – 6, the answer being 1. And 7 and 6 being the numbers that keep cropping up in my life. Strange old world.

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