Over Lake Michigan

Lake Michigan is known as a place of strange and mysterious activity, ranging from ghost ships and ghosts to UFOs. Twenty-one years ago, 911 operators at Holland, Michigan were flooded with UFO reports from around Lake Michigan and police officers who were dispatched to investigate. Some sources said 300 witnesses, including several police officers, saw the lights. Mysterious objects also showed up on radar. There have been so many sightings of strange objects over Lake Michigan that the Federal Aviation Administration created a special lake reporting service to catalog the sightings.

We’ve written about mysterious happening on  a sailboat, a personal experience told to us by Kathy Doore. Now we have a story from the air, above Lake Michigan. Jules, a scientist from Montreal, was flying home from Chicago in 2005 and was meditating as the commercial jet flew over Lake Michigan. After a few minutes, he was overcome by a strange sensation.

“I got the feeling that the upper part of my cranium was split open. Having done meditation  before, I knew what to expect, and this was not the type of feeling that I was used to. Although the feeling didn’t hurt me in any way, I was aware of it as long as I maintained the meditation.” He also had the impression of expanded hearing capabilities. “I could hear everything throughout the plane.” Upon landing in Montreal he noticed that the face of a passenger behind him was rather strange, like he was afraid of something. “He was looking above my head, while I was half-standing, waiting my turn to exit the plane.”
A few years later, Jules flew over Lake Michigan again, this time with his wife on a flight from California, and he suggest they try meditating. He didn’t give her any information about his previous experience so as not to influence or deter her. He recalls: “It wasn’t long before she started to move frantically in her seat, trying to find a brochure in the pouch in front of her, putting down her small table, making noise, and so forth. This forced me out of my meditation.” But before doing so, he again noticed the open skull sensation, though not as noticeable as the previous time.  “Looking at my wife, I asked what was going on, since she is more experienced than me on the field of meditation. She answered by swiping her thumbnail across her forehead, indicating that she too felt as if her upper-cranium was split open.

At first, Jules didn’t link the experiences to UFO. But after hearing about the well known sighting at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport and watching documentaries about UFO sightings over Lake Michigan and the possibility of an underwater UFO base, he began to change his mind. He suspected that during his meditations over the lake, he had encountered a force related to UFOs.
“In itself, it might seem like nonsense,” Jules admits. But then something else very strange happened to him after he recently borrowed about ten books on UFOs from the Montreal public library. He put one particular book into the bottom of his handbag, the one he was most interested in reading because he had read other books by the same author. He later realized that he had held the book in such a way so that he didn’t notice the image on the bottom half of the cover. At least, not until he was ready to read it.

When he saw it, he instantly recognized the synchronicity. The cover image was identical to his experience that he had already attributed to UFO contact.


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4 Responses to Over Lake Michigan

  1. Nancy says:

    Weird! I sometimes have a warm tingling in the top of my head – like I’m being “beamed.” I have often wondered if it relates to a health issue I am unaware of.

  2. Gosh! Interesting post and a great ending. I read somewhere that the feeling comes from an excess of energy streaming through an opening in the crown chakra.

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