

Ever since I put up a contact form on our blog late last year, we’ve been getting a lot of emails: Omarr readers, asking where the 2015 books are; synchro stories from a diverse group; and well, odd complaints. Here’s one of them:

Hello dear friends, there are actually nine keys in your surreal image that you googled for your synchronicities website. 3 keys are half hidden by the outstretched hands. I know I sound like a terrible stickler, but 9 keys are 9 keys, not 7. I do believe in synchronicity, but I also think we need to be careful not to shoehorn in connections when they aren’t there. Even a good thing can be overdone!! Kindest regards, Bea

 Rob and I puzzled over this one. We couldn’t recall any image that had nine keys on it. I checked the cover of the British edition of the book: one key. So I wrote Bea and asked her what she was referring to. Never heard back.


Then, today, this email from Philip Watling:

FAS is a real syndrome. The brain is very complex and it can change in many ways for a variety of reasons: hemorrhage, brain trauma, migraine, stroke etc. I had a massive head injury after being hit by a car in 1994 and my voice changed. Was it that my brain neurons altered or… No, don’t be silly, I am now able to converse with someone from my previous life! Sorry, but what an idiotic thing to say! For more information please read my book on – we deleted the link because it may be spam.

We think FAS relates to foreign accent syndrome, a post we wrote on May 6, 2012. Rob emailed Philip and asked him what he was talking about. We haven’t gotten a response.

I have no idea who Bea and Philip are or why they took the time to write us through the contact form and why neither of them responded. Maybe some people out there have an abundance of free time. They have so much free time they can afford to troll blogs and websites and leave these cryptic reminders that we live in a whole new world:

Instantaneous communication. Books delivered to our devices in the space of a single breath, and usually for a fraction of what they cost in a bookstore. Netflix. Movies on demand. Or this, an immediate story about today’s holiday that celebrates the legacy of Martin Luther King.

I’m an information junkie and welcome all of it. But honestly, some days when I sit down to eat breakfast, when my iphone and iPad are in front of me, ready to deliver whatever is happening beyond my home, neighborhood, state, country, I’m tempted to just turn it all off. I feel this insatiable urge to to pull back, to just enjoy my coffee and my grapefruit and to allow my day to unfold without any news at all. Some days, I’m tempted to just be.

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12 Responses to Blogging

  1. where there be & when will your 2015 taurus day to day astrological guide be coming out?

    • Rob and Trish says:

      NAL/Penguin discontinued the series with the 2014 books. We’ll be doing the 2016 books with a new publisher. They felt there was too much competition with free online content. Check back here periodically for updates about the 2016 books. Thanks for writing!

  2. Nancy says:

    Hmmm – just lost a long comment…

  3. Nancy says:

    I know what you mean. Having a blog can attract wonderful people or just the opposite. I keep telling myself to just unplug and enjoy the ride but it’s becoming harder and harder to do that, despite not being attached to social media. Maybe these devices are truly addicting. I know I have become a news junkie. I will even pause television programs to check the news. It’s like – what am I waiting for? It’s so easy to get carried away each day with all the world’s happenings. But in the end – will I be more satisfied with my life having known things that didn’t enhance my life and only made me feel sad? I have become self-aware enough to pass on the articles that go into detail regarding really awful things, however. Especially regarding animals, children and politics.

  4. I’d say give in to that temptation! Have a break from technology and the media at large now and again.

    I stopped publishing an email address on my blog as I got so many emails that weren’t relevant. One guy started sending me five or six a day! It’s difficult to know what’s best I have been tempted to publish an email address again – but there again time is too valuable to waste on the trolls.

  5. lauren raine says:

    I know what you mean about strange emails from people……….I guess some people just use the internet to vent? Sometimes I get the strangest responses to my posts as well, and I wonder what it is that people are seeing in them.

    Some of my happiest, most creative times were when I was out of touch in a cabin – I find that I get lost in the stream of information and need times when I just unplug to rediscover kind of who I am, without all that input……………

  6. DJan says:

    I rarely get that feeling, Trish, but when I do, I just don’t plug in! I feel rather blessed in that once a week I spend the entire day outside, and in the summer I have no connection to the internet at all (Mt. Baker Highway is outside the reach of towers), and even if I forget to turn my phone off, it doesn’t ring! 🙂

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