Hannah +1


Today’s post is a followup from the one several days ago about Hannah’s discovery of the prevalence of #1 in her life.  Warning: it’s longer than most of our posts.

Mention was made in the earlier post of a man who is making a documentary on synchronicity. When Hannah wrote him about her numerological synchros, he surprised Hannah by saying that her numbers were meaningless.

However, he wasn’t saying that her pursuit was worthless. His intent was to invoke the idea that finding meaning in coincidences is subjective and the truth ultimately unknowable. His perspective is interesting in that he seems to combine some of the ideas of skeptics, who see synchronicity as a useless attempt to create cause and effect out of coincidence, with his own beliefs that a divine element might be at play.

Here are his comments.

Hi Hannah,

Firstly, apologies for the delay.  I’ve been inundated with work and
leaving email for a time when I can catch a breather, and today is
that day so here we go!

Secondly, thank you very much for sharing your incredible story.

As for knowing someone who might help you along your path,
unfortunately I probably don’t have a person to point you towards who
can help make sense of this, and perhaps help with an answer about
what the “1” really means and why it is prevalent in your life story.

But I think – at least in my own life – trying to make sense of
synchronicity is the wrong way to go about approaching them.  I think
we have a tendency towards trying to understand the world around us in
an analytical, left-brained sort of way that leads us to down perilous
roads towards conclusions like “this says this, therefore is means

Jung and his theory on archetypes  would likely disagree with me, but my own guess at your situation is that “1” itself doesn’t mean anything.  I very much doubt there is a big
answer at the end of the tunnel about why exactly “1” underlies themes in your life.

Before I go deeper I should explain that I don’t think anything I am
saying is right, either.  I don’t think there is a right answer for how
to deal with or understand synchronicity.  Every avenue I have pursued
to try and understand them better has lead me towards eventually
having to put my hands up and say to myself “ok that was totally
wrong, actually I have no idea.”

So it might be that the 1 synchronicities for you do have a big reason
behind them.  But my own hunch is that synchronicity is something more
like the carrot on the donkey, rather than the cryptic clue that
tantalizes to unlock a Great Truth if only it can be solved.

Ultimately I think, if synchronicity is leading us somewhere, is it
leading us into a deeper relationship with the Mystery, and out of the
mundanity that we often find ourselves stuck in in our lives.

However this ‘carrot on the Donkey’ concept is just another avenue and
framework for understanding synchronicity that I am pursuing, and
ultimately I think it very likely that I will soon again have to throw
up my hands in defeat when I learn that synchronicity is not a This or
a That, and it doesn’t have this defined purpose of doing This or
That.  Because it seems to do a lot of things; not a single one of
them predictable.

But in terms of effects, most reliably synchronicity acts to bust open
your mind; to show you that what lies outside your perception of ‘The
True Nature of Reality’ is a world of mystery that you will never
understand, so rather than trying, instead try to play with
synchronicity, with whatever divine intelligence is woven through the
fabric of reality, and see what happens.

Sorry I can’t be of more help than that, but I think really words
begin to fail when we get anywhere close to tuning into the mystery of

My only advise would be to play with and explore every idea and
feeling that your synchronicity invokes, because it seems there is no
right answer.  If you feel like Neo one day, play with that, try and
explore it.  If hearing about the Neo connection made you want to
watch the Matrix, do that and see what you got from it.  Maybe the
Korean connection made you want to go to a Korean Supermarket, maybe
it made you want to learn Korean, or see your Korean friend, or watch
a Korean movie.  Whatever you felt an intuition towards in association
with a synchronicity seems to be where the next cookie crumb along the
trail lies… but again, ultimately this is a guess at the mysterious
workings of the Universe and is only partly true, if at all.

Good luck ‘figuring it out’, in any case.
As a follow up, I asked ace numerologist Connie Cannon for her take on Hanna’s numbers. (I didn’t show her the filmmaker’s response.) So it was somewhat startling that, similar to the filmmaker, the first thing is said was that numbers themselves were meaningless. But she goes on to explain. Here’s her response, in part:

Re Hannah, I’ve mentioned several times during discussions of numbers that numbers, in and of themselves, have no meaning. They are inert. It is only when a frequency number is used to REPRESENT a person, place, thing, or whatever, that it becomes animate and thereby exerts meanings and influences. I’ve also mentioned that each individual on the planet, whether they care to learn about it or not, has one or more “Operative Number Frequencies” which appear throughout that individual’s lifetime in virtually every aspect of the life, beginning with the birth name and birth date.

The (Operative Number Frequencies) is NOT information that is available in any of the more than sixty texts by almost as many authors that I own and have studied. It is information that has derived through the decades in my own personal extensive, intensive study and research on this subject, not only in the English language but in ancient Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, etc.

Hannah has found her Operative Frequency and has followed through on researching it. Her situation is not unusual. It is, contrarily, the norm in number frequencies where the Operative Number Frequency comes into play. Apparently the Soul, prior to coming into an invarnation, determines the experiences it needs to have, and with Helpers, designs a plan that includes the frequency most suitable for those experiences to occur.

It isn’t precisely “predestination”, because although the experiences are in the design, there are generally several paths, or choices, or decisions, that the individual can choose as he or she travels through the life. However, NO MATTER WHICH PATH OR CHOICE IS MADE THE OPERATIVE FREQUENCY IS THERE. We don’t escape it, and no choice is either negative or positive, simply different in its expression.

So I would say to Hannah to continue her study of her #1 frequency in all its aspects, and she will learn the lessons and experiences that her Soul has penciled into her pre-incarnation program. She has “downloaded” that frequency consistently, which indicates she wants to learn as much as she can. Just as Astrological influences represent certain characteristics, so too do the number frequencies, and especiaslly the Operative Frequency(ies).


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15 Responses to Hannah +1

  1. c.j. cannon says:

    I don’t want to be boring anyone, but I failed to give Hannah an answer about where to look for “number clusters” in your life, and want to go back and give her a few examples. Since my Mom’s and Dad’s number frequencies were the foundation upon which I built my original studies in the subject, I’ll use them as an example. We already established that “86” was my Dad’s whole name number and the number of brain tumor, which killed him. Atlanta, Georgia, is 86, which is where we lived when he died. He died at Emory Hospital, which is 86. And remember his birth number was 26, which is the # of cancer? He was a cattleman. The frequency of cattleman is 26. It goes on and on.

    So, to answer Hannah’s question about how and where to look for number clusters, once you learn the letter-to-number alphabet, start transposing virtually everything you can think of in your life that’s important, and do those numbers. You’ll find #1 all over the place. There are also number clusters in our significant relationships. The operative number in my Dad’s and Mom’s relationship was 21. They were both born in Adel, Georgia. Adel, Georgia is 21 (reduced). They got married when they were 21. They were married 21 years. She died 21 years after he died. The house number of the home they built together in Alabama was 2811, which is 21. (2+8+11, because 11 is a master number and is never reduced, so 2+8+11=21.) The month, day, and year they got married was a 21. There are many more, but I don’t want to go on and on. Just wanted to give Hannah a response.

    Our frequencies are limitless in out lives, so look everywhere and you’ll find them. I believe these are synchronicities in its truest definition of the word as Jung referred to it as “archetypes”.

  2. c.j. cannon says:

    P.S. I need to correct/clarify a statement I made in my earlier comment to oogl bit:
    A number can be OBjective or SUBjective, depending upon that number’s application. Just want to make sure I didn’t offend with my statement. It wasn’t intentional. I DO get carried away often when discussing one of my favorite things! 🙂

  3. c.j. cannon says:

    Hannah, where to study clusters…..there are many texts in bookstores on modern numerology. Some of them are decent, clearly written, and offer good information. Some, as in any subject, are not so good or particularly helpful in terms of practical use and/or guidance. I would start with one that is straightforward and easy to follow, comsidering that there are also ones out there that get pretty complicated and make a person’s brain tangle! 🙂 I’ve been able to determine that the Pythagorean system is much more accurate and applicable for modern numerology than the Chaldean system, (my specific work is in ancient alpha-numeric systems and is different, although the essential interpretations of the meanings and influences of each number remain very similar regardless of the language), so if you are interested in beginning to study the science of numbers and their inherent meanings and influences, (which, btw, oogle bits, is NOT a “subjective science” but is instead a definitively objective science, as mathematics is not subjective but is instead objective and constant), I suggest going to a bookstore or to Amazon, etc, and take a look at texts on numerology, asking your Higher Self to show you which one(s) would be best for you.

    The reason I’m not suggesting any is because I might send you to one that wouldn’t be right for YOU, and you should trust your intuition when book-shopping! One really important thing to know is that WHERE a number exists in your personal profile determines its influence. Here’s an example that occurs in the English alphabet: The numbers of the VOWELS in your birth name (name on your birth certificate, even if you are adopted), describes the PURPOSES your soul has decided to pursue in this lifetime. The CONSONANTS in your birthname determine how that soul intent has decided to be EXPRESSED. The COMBINATION of the vowels and consonants in your birth name demonstrate the manner in which the two come together as a WHOLE. The number of your month, day, and year of birth can be called your LIFE PATH, and it tells you the EXPERIENCES that your soul’s plan will bring to you as you make the journey, and the choices that will appear for you. Each single digit, 0 through 9, has a keyword attached to it for simplicity’s sake, although each single digit actually has more than one.

    If you learn those keywords, it’s a great start for moving forward and learning what they mean for you as an individual. It gets more and more complex and complicated, just as astrology does, (which is also a mathematical SCIENCE), but once learned, is such a practical tool for knowing not only ourselves but the world in general, even events that do not directly impact us but are important to know. I apologize for being so long-winded here. It’s difficult to give a brief answer to a question that needs a lengthy response. Hope this helps. I’d like to offer an eye-opening example where number frequencies become awesome, and it’s this very simple example that started me on the lifetime journey that ultimately carried me into Metaphysical Mathematics. Many, many years ago, I was doodling with numbers, and did my then-recently deceased Dad’s name numbers, etc. His whole name number was 86/5. His cause of death was a brain tumor. The number of brain is 8; the number of tumor is 6. Thus, 86/5. His birth number was 26/8. The number of cancer is 26/8. This is not to imply that our cause of death is always in our name and birth numbers. It just demonstrates that in HIS case, it did, and it demonstrates the importance of numbers in our lives.

    Relative to that, my Dad was 42 years old, in his 43rd year, when he died. My Mom was also 42 when he died. Her VOWEL frequency was 42; her CONSONANT frequency was 43. Dad died when she was 42, in her 43rd year. These two examples show you how the numbers can present various experiences. For my dad, it was his transition into Spirit and his cause of transition. For my Mom, it was the most traumatic experience in her life….becoming a widow. Numbers also show fantastic and positive experiences and potentials in our lives, including timeframes, and that’s why it’s such a terrific tool to learn. Please, everyone, forgive my long-winded response to Hannah. Once I get started on it, it’s difficult to stop!

  4. lauren raine says:

    Interesting post………thanks to you and to Hannah!

    On a completely unrelated subject, I just saw a movie about supposed UFOs and alien buildings on the moon. Would you ever think of doing a post about that? Didn’t know what to think of it all.

  5. blah blah says:

    some don’t appreciate “oogle bit’s” thoughts on the way names are transferred to numbers and then reduced to one digit numbers to come out with a sinlge digit personality,,,,, a method describe by a certain person ole G. Nor…. likes to have on his show (won’t mention “05”) it’s this mentioned which I find a bit to cozy and simplified,, still wonder how Hannah works out to the number supposed use ???? thought it might of been a (8+1+14)2 ,, maybe remember wrong,, but it’s the method, not the (possible) personality of digits, yet still,,, OH by the way CJ (oogle’s simple simon),,,, wrote of a coincidence with a can of food (36 hours apart),,, Ahhhh but the coincidence tha thappened in-between that time frame,,,,,O boy….. truth, heck of a lot more verifiable the the can (truth also) story,,,,

  6. c.j.cannon says:

    Under the MacGregor’s original post about Hannah’s #1, I had added a (probably too lengthy!) comment which didn’t make it thru, and Trish just found it and posted it under that previous discussion. (Thank you, Trish!) I do want to add a much more brief comment; maybe this one will make it thru….Our number frequencies can offer us insights into our past incarnations in one of two ways: either by having a “missing number”, which is termed a “karmic lack”, and is an indication of something we have either NOT done, or something we HAVE done to excess, that requires attention in the current life. The same is applicable to a number frequency that appears in an unusually large cluster, as it does in Hannah’s #1. This is very similar to a “cluster” of planets appearing in a specific house and sign in our natal astrological chart. Studying the interpretations of an unusually large cluster of the same number frequency in our current life, and exactly where that number appears, we are able to see where our Soul is guiding us to focus our attention. It’s a wonderful tool for assisting us to make choices and decisions when we are facing several options in a particular situation.

  7. The statement “. . . I don’t think there is a right answer for how
    to deal with or understand synchronicity. Every avenue I have pursued
    to try and understand them better has lead me towards eventually
    having to put my hands up and say to myself “ok that was totally
    wrong, actually I have no idea.”

    reminds me of what Jung said about the I Ching – that he slept better at night when he didn’t try to figure out how it worked – which he believed did work as a meaningful coincidence (synchronicity) for those consulting the I Ching.

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