Synchros with the dead


Ian R  asks this question: Does anyone have synchronistic messages from friends or family who have passed away?

Well, we’ve heard some stories. In fact, we gathered them together in Synchronicity and the Other Side: Meaningful Connections with the Afterlife (Adams Media, 2011). But maybe if we’d heard Ian’s own story about his friend, we would’ve included it. Especially because of the name and nickname of Ian’s friend.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Ian began by saying that he was convinced that his father was repeatedly contacting him over the past two years. He was doing so through the medium of music. There’s a popular song from 1988 that Ian associates with his father. He has been hearing it again and again. He even saw someone on the street performing the song. He also noted that he doesn’t listen regularly to the radio limiting his expose to music.

“The first time I affirmed a request to hear from him, I literally picked up the phone to call a company, was transferred to the other side of the world to a customer service centre, and was placed on hold. The song playing whilst I sat waiting was the song from 1988. Subsequently, I have had the same synch with other friends and family here in Prague. And on one occasion sat down with some ‘informed’ parties at a a cafe, to hear a street performer singing it live .”

Then Ian went on to talk about his late friend.

“The other day I thought about one of my closest friends who sadly died in his early 30s. I wondered why I had never had any messages from him. His name was Darren. As I finished that thought, I was entering a park with my dog. I turned a corner, and there in huge letters (5ft by 5ft) was the name ‘Daz’ spray-painted on the wall. Daz was Darren’s nickname.”

So, besides the synchro for Ian  with his deceased friend, there’s the oddity that we know another Darren, who visits here frequently, who has the exact same nickname—Daz. Is this a common nickname for people named Darren? we wonder. If not, then it’s really a peculiar synchro.


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9 Responses to Synchros with the dead

  1. I have a synchro regarding my grandmother. In 2005, my grandmother passed away and at her memorial service, I was the only one of her descendents who spoke (everyone else preferred to sit quiet and listen to other people share stories). I shared a few things about her, including that when I was in the 2nd grade, she got tired of hearing me talk about my imaginary friend that she told me that she threw him in the lake that we had passed by in the car and that was the end of it. People laughed when I shared that.

    A week after that service, I happened to catch references to “imaginary friend” three different times: once on an episode of “Desperate Housewives”, once on a Charlie Rose interview with a writer, and once on the radio. I had never heard any mention of “imaginary friend” on TV or the radio before or since that single week after my grandmother’s memorial service. I consider that to be a sign from my grandmother’s spirit saying “thank you!”

  2. c.j. cannon says:

    I’m not sure if this is a synchronicity, but it certainly is aligned with the post! My physician and dear friend from my youth transitioned on 6-16-2013. I hadn’t heard from him in many years. He came to me soon afterward in early August in a sleeping dream and told me he had crossed over, from Alzheimer’s. I was able to confirm that
    via the newspaper in his small GA town. Since then, before I go to sleep, I often ask him questions, and during my sleep will hear a song over and over, always some song that I definitely haven’t heard on TV or radio or anywhere; OLD songs: and the title or lyrics, when I research them, have a direct answer to my questions. Would this be considered a synchro? Whether synchro or not, it’s WONDERFUL, and even tho many might say it’s my own Higher Self giving me the songs, it isn’t. It’s my friend on The Other Side! Such a great comfort and confirmation that he LIVES and is in close
    contact with me!

  3. Darren B says:

    Actually,It’s funny Ian mentions a hit song from 1988,as that is the year I was married and our wedding waltz was to Phil Collins cover of “Groovy Kind of Love”,a song that has been coming up on radios in shops and at work at the most bizarre times for me.
    It was a song I used to like once,but with my marriage basically finished it is a song I have grown to despise along with the woman I married.
    It’s like a trickster trying to say to me,”do you remember this song from anywhere ?”

  4. Darren B says:

    This is weird,because I was going to use a shot of this book-cover and refer to this book in my next post ( I still will,by the way) as I found a gold wrapper with a hummingbird on it outside my house on the footpath the other day and it got me to thinking about the hummingbird as a sign and what it meant.
    Of course we don’t have hummingbirds in the wild down here in Australia,so this gold wrapper with nothing else on it but a humming bird really intrigued me as to where it was from.
    The nickname Daz,by the way is very common for anyone with the name Darren,or Darrel in Australia.
    My wife’s aunty and mother-in-law used to hear the Elton John song
    “Empty Garden”,which was about John Lennon and had the lyrics “Johnny won’t you come out to play” ,quite a bit at times after my father-in-law John passed away,and at the weirdest times according to them.
    A lot of times in the night according to my mother-in-law her TV set would switch itself on,as well.
    I saw some weird stuff going on as well just after he passed and had a very vivid dream with him in it,which I’ve written about a few times on my blog.
    I have no doubt songs can be a form of message from beyond our daily waking state,I have had it happen to me on many occasions,not just as a message from the deceased,but as personal messages to problems in my own life as well.

  5. My son is called Darren and yes, Daz is an often used name for Darren. My Darren tried to get a car number plate with DAZ.

    Interesting post though about songs and music being used as a contact. I feel it is.

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