

Kilt and Noah in the aftermath of a tug-of-war


Sometimes, synchronicity is comical- not in the trickster sense, but just flat-out humorous.

This evening, Rob, Cassie and I were watching cable news. Cassie, who works in the equine industry in our area, is living with us until April with her two Border Collies. After the horse competition ends, she’ll move back to Asheville, North Carolina. She takes the dogs to the barn with her during the day and in the evening, our dog Noah, is delighted when the dogs return home and he has some canines to play with.   He particularly likes playing with Kilt, who has an inexhaustible energy.

So the three of us are watching Chris Hayes on MSNBC, who is talking about the latest NFL scandal that occurred Sunday, on January 18, during the AFC championship game between The New England Patriots and the Indianapolis Colts. The scandal is that the Patriots, who won 45-7, used deflated footballs, that actually 11 of their 12 footballs were under-inflated. League rules state that footballs must be inflated to between 12.5 and 13.5 pounds per square inch, and ESPN reported that the footballs were two pounds short.

While we’re listening to this, Kilt and Noah are playing tug-of-war with one of the dogs’ many toys. This playing is rather loud and rambunctious. Noah weighs around 110 pounds and Kilt, though smaller, plays hard. I happen to glance over at them and burst out laughing. Their tug-of-war toy is – a football!

We all got a kick out of the synchro, then turned our attention back to the news. When I glanced at Noah and Kilt, they have settled down – but the football has been shredded, with stuffing lying all over the floor. My first thought was that perhaps the NFL’s investigation will not be favorable for the Patriots. After all, deflated footballs are cheating and the Patriots have been fined before for infractions.

I’m not a football fan, but I’m interested in seeing how this plays out. I doubt that the Super Bowl will be cancelled – it’s too profitable- but perhaps the Patriots will be fined again.

Weird stuff, for sure.


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11 Responses to Deflategate

  1. Laughed all through this post. In the world of romance novelists it is hoped that football players do bring their own balls to the game. I think the first protective gear was to protect their balls long before they thought to protect their heads with helmets. And now they are deflating their balls and it is super big news. LOL!

  2. K37iN says:

    Couldn’t resist sharing: Tom Brady responding to questions about deflategate: “To me, those balls are perfect.” padunk, tsssh….

    Maybe a fine, maybe. But the Colts couldn’t put more points on the board with a little more air in the ball? The whole thing is absurd. Professional sports, I mean.

  3. blah blah says:

    to CJ (gosh that name writes in,,,, h.s.q.b. to stay ontopic,,,, one less n),,, point,,,, I’m “Sorry” But we’re talking (numerology) an “exterior phenomena” something brought about from an “unknown effect'”,,,, by definition,,,,, the knowing of the “stuff” is an oxymoron,,,, unlike TODAY’S topic ,,,,, noticed as it was happening,, GOSH those passes where “moving”,,, sure if the networks wanted to they could “cal. a velocity……

  4. c.j. cannon says:

    I’m sure many thousands of sports fans would tar and feather me and run me out of town, but good golly miss molly! With all the truly important issues everywhere in the world, our own local TV channels ALL are spending half their broadcasts on this football business. So OK, a minute or so to mention it, then move on to the stuff that is REALLY significant! I think this demonstrates one of the follies of the media, and possibly one of the greater follies of this country….that we pay far too much attention to “playing” and not enough attention to trying to right the wrongs on the planet. Just my opinion….. But then, I also have a genuine objection to athletes receiving millions of dollars to play a game…, tennis, football, basketball, whatever. To me, that is a travesty. One of the NFL quaterbacks just signed a contract for no less than twenty0ne MILLION bucks for a five year deal. To me, that is more than appalling. It’s I.N.S.A.N.E.

  5. So in the end all of the footballs were deflated.

    I don’t know anything about your ‘football’ over there but, even if the balls were deflated wouldn’t that still have made it the same for both sides?

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