Snow Owl


Can you see it? It’s more than a hundred feet away, but the snow owl stands out at the edge of the rutted drive on this rural Quebec farm. Owl are mysterious creatures of the night. We used to have a family of burrowing owls in our backyard and one perched right above of door for hours on the day a friend of ours died.

Here’s the story about the snow from Jorge, a Quebecois woman.


My husband and I live in Montreal, but my husband’s parents own a big sheep farm an hour and a half outside Montreal, in a city called Sainte-Clotilde-de-Horton. In November, we went to visit his parents, and while my husband and my in-laws were working with the sheep, I decided to go for a walk in the fields. The farm is huge and they even have a section of a little forest in the property.

One thing I need to explain it’s my spiritual side. I do meditation every day and I’m always thinking positive. I’m also aware of some sort of connection with the paranormal. I’m not a psychic, medium, nor a healer; I’m very ordinary but very sensitive to energies. Once in a while I see white shadows or little marvel size orbs that fly around me and disappear within a second. But nothing that causes me fear. Of course I believe in UFO and in our family we all have beyond this planet experiences, and somehow… really deep in my core I know we are been watched even if we don’t see them, they are here.

Anyways, I love to meditate in the middle of the fields, as you can imagine it’s the most peaceful and beautiful place to be with oneself. In that particular occasion, going back to my story, I stood up after my meditation and I said aloud:

“My work it’s for my own upliftment and that of this planet, if you are in alignment with this upliftment, you are more than welcome to manifest yourselves, your mentoring will be truly appreciated. If you are not in alignment with this upliftment, please do not come around, you are not welcome.”

After I finished saying this, I noticed 3 or 4 big black crows flying in circle and diving as if they were attacking something around 100 meters away, next to a little river that passes through the middle of the fields. I started walking toward them to see what they were attacking, and that’s when I noticed a big white thing, easy 3 times bigger than the crows.

When I was around 50 meters from it, I noticed it was a big snow owl staring at every step I made. I could see his eyes and head following me ignoring completely the crows, which I found strange because the owl did not respond nor move to any of the crows’ near-miss attempts to scare him off. When I finally got closer from it, the owl just took off, flying a few meters to my side but staring at me the whole time. I didn’t feel any negativity or had the sense of any malice.

Because of the scenery, I had my camera with me to take pictures for a future painting and I was looking for ideas, which I was going to do after my meditation.  After seeing the owl, I went back to the family to tell them what I just saw. They were very surprised. My in-laws have been living there for more than 26 years, and in that time, my father-in-law saw one of them only once more than 10 years ago, and Fréd (my husband) saw one when he was a child; but my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law have never seen one.

I do have a lot of questions and that’s why I’m always researching. My conclusion, I do believe that everything I have experienced is not luck or coincidences. I build my life, my path, my surroundings, so I think everything that is happening to me it’s an answer to questions I have.



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8 Responses to Snow Owl

  1. Nancy says:

    I saw one in Minnesota when we lived there. After researching, I found Minnesota is as far south as they usually go. It was magnificent! I watched it fly as I ran around the house to all the windows to keep it in sight. Unbelievably beautiful creature.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for finally writing about > Snow Owl | synchrosecrets < Loved it!

  3. Darren B says:

    Jorge might like reading Mike Clelland’s blog,as he writes mainly about owls and aliens –

  4. Interesting story. I’ve just finished a future post and wrote at the end ‘so many questions’ – but the thing about answers is that they usually pose more questions.

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