Views and Visions of Synchronicity

Here are a couple of quotes on synchronicity. The first is by Carl Jung and is something I (Rob) might say to skeptics on certain group sites, and then get called for ‘passive aggressive’ behavior by the web police. But sometimes you just have to say it.


This one speaks for itself!


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8 Responses to Views and Visions of Synchronicity

  1. c.j. cannon says:

    As Terri mentioned, there are decades in our lives that are all about funerals. Unfortunately, my immediate family has been in one of those timelines, not for a decade, but instead for a two-year period. Our sons are all young, but several of their friends have died within this timeline, all separately and from various causes, (some accidentally, some suicides, some diseases),and my husband and I have lost FAR too many friends and relatives within these past 24 months. It seems funerals and/or burials have become a constant. Go to one, then here comes another. If it were just the older folks, that would seem appropriate. However, all these young people? That just seems out of the natural order of life. But what do we really know about such events? Our lives definitely bring us specific types of incidents in CLUSTERS……I’m ready for the memorials to cease now. Too many goodbyes. Too many tears. Too many empty spaces. It’s like a “CHAIN” of events, and what is a chain except LINKS that are connected….synchronicities. Sad ones, but nonetheless apparent.

  2. As with many things, it’s up to us what we want to see and then how we interpret what we have seen.

  3. I get the treadmill image here, and the feeling that maybe now we can go to the teeter-totter, or at least the toddler slide.

    I’m not sure what it means but in some astrology sites the message is that we are in the final astrological square sequence that’s been an energy since 2008… It’s really annoying to feel like a player in the evolution of humanity when a trip to the local pub feels better.

    There are some decades of our life that are all about funerals . A year or two in that energy is really long. WE can strive to go forth and have fun. Logic supports this.

    We’re in some final square of energy.
    These are uncomfortable times.

  4. c.j. cannon says:

    Synchronicities happen persistently, whether an individual chooses to notice them or not. Totally agree with Adele. It’s been my experience that when we fail to notice them except in 20-20 hindsight retrospect, we’ve missed the great value provided.

  5. blah says:

    “saw” the Dalai Lama speak once,, that was “see”,,, could it was much more easy then hearing … did take away one great thought from hearing the man… but it was the next day that was interesting!!! Document……

  6. Good ones.
    People who don’t experience synchronicities are like the people who don’t remember their dreams. They miss out on a lot.

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