When I saw my first Star Trek years ago, somewhere in the late 1960s, I was totally captivated by Spock. Who was this guy, anyway? The pointy ears, the maddening logic, the mind meld thing he could do.

Spock, a human hybrid, was probably one of the most complex characters in the TV show and the subsequent movies, an individual uncomfortable with emotions, yet with a profound need to feel. I loved this guy. He was Kirk’s right hand guy, but often carried the show/movie. He was supposedly cold, distant, but there were times, especially in the Trek movies, where his humanity shone.

He died yesterday at the age of 83. Thank you, Spock. Thank you, Leonard, for who you portrayed and who you were. Live long and prosper! May the afterworld be enlivened and enriched by your presence.


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3 Responses to LIVE LONG & PROSPER, SPOCK!

  1. Today’s newspaper was full of Spock quotes – much wisdom amongst them. RIP

  2. c.j. cannon says:

    The world after this one is richer now, with the entrance into it of this delightful and talented man, charming both on screen and in his true persona. He is missed. But we have his movies as wonderful memories! LLAP, Mr. Nimoy/Mr. Spock!

  3. DJan says:

    My sister and I commiserated over the loss of this great man and were reminded that this will happen more and more to us who are in their seventies. I love Spock and thought Leonard Nimoy was the best part of the original Star Trek. LLAP and RIP.

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