Intentions, Desire, Manifestation


In the early years of our blog, Natalie, a psychic medium from Down Under, used to comment frequently. But she’s the mother to five kids from two marriages, and eventually had to give up blogging. We’ve kept in touch over the years, and I’ve always been intrigued by Natalie’s studies and quests as a medium. She seeks creative solutions to the challenges she faces.

The story she recently sent illustrates the power of intent and desire – magical thinking!


I just had the weirdest experience! I have been feeling pretty disconnected here in my new area and have been praying for a friend. I had the feeling she was going to be a mum from the school, with older daughters, who actually wasn’t really looking, or interested in making a friend.

Haylie (One of Nat’s daughters) has been put in a class this year where she knows nobody and has had some settling issues. She also invited herself to a little girls birthday party last month (cringe) and we went along. It was really awkward at first, but I sensed this was the lady who was going to be my friend. She has two older daughters and the little one in Haylie’s class. The Mum very much felt ‘right’ to me, even though she was very closed.

Fast forward three weeks to today. I had to go to the supermarket for a few things, but didn’t want to go, as I was tired and had been up all night last night feeling very anxious and praying lots about my life. One of the prayers was help me find a friend, the other one was help me rid myself of this crushing internalized shame that blocks me in my work.

So, I get to the shop and run into the Mum. She starts chatting about her little girl and confesses her daughter is very sensitive and feels a lot of shame if she gets into trouble at school.

I say, “That’s a coincidence, I have just been watching some You Tube clips about healing toxic shame.”

Then she pipes up with: “Actually, I’m learning how to write, and I wrote a piece this morning, about a fortune teller whose beautiful heart was being crushed by toxic shame.”

I exclaimed: “I’m a fortune teller, a medium, actually, and I am being crushed by toxic shame!”

After the initial surprise and shock, we then described a vision we had both seen, of the Light trying to permeate the layers of experiences in the fortuneteller’s heart. This all happened in about two minutes in the soap aisle. I don’t even think she knows my name, but I am now convinced more than ever, she is going to be my new friend.


I wrote Nat that I felt there was another synchro here, that they met in the soap shop. I mean, really. What is soap if not a substance that washes away stuff?

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6 Responses to Intentions, Desire, Manifestation

  1. c.j. cannon says:

    You are SO welcome, Nat!! Sometimes we find wonderful friends in the strangest ways. I’ve occasionally experienced a sudden and inexplicable inner “nudge” to go to a particular place that I wouldn’t ordinarily go, and have resisted the nudge, but it has kept getting stronger and stronger until, exasperated, I finally say ALL RIGHT ALREADY!, stop what I may be doing, and GO. When that has happened, I never fail to find something perfectly wonderful waiting to come into my life. On three such occasions over the years, it has been my beloved canine companions, and on several such occasions, it has been an amazing person who becomes an amazing friend! In a different manner: When we built our home in GA, a neighbor from four doors down brought a cake to welcome us to the neighborhood. Turned out she and I both wore the same kind of perfume, were both Capricorns with Cancer Rising, were both married to Scorpios, both had three sons the same age…it went on and on, and we became BFFs! So one never knows! These events HAPPEN, and the die-hards who deny synchrono incidents miss out, I think, on great opportunities! One comment about synchros….the TIME and the EXPERIENCE seem to matter; they seem to need to come together. When the Time is right, your Friend will appear, and you will KNOW!!

  2. lauren raine says:

    what a great synchonicity! Sometimes its so amazing the way the Universe answers our requests for help.

  3. natalie Thomas says:

    Such a beautiful synchro, i’d have to be tough nut not to be encouraged by that one. 😀
    I’ll keep you posted about the outcome. I haven’t seen her since then, but you just never know!
    Thank you Connie for your kind message, that also gives me a smile on my dial. 😀

  4. c.j. cannon says:

    Same here! Love happy endings and feel certain Natalie witll meet her new friend, if not THIS lady, then certainly the one her soul has designed for her, and it wil be a beautiful friendship! 🙂

  5. The pieces seem to fit – so Natalie has a friend. Good story, hopefully that ends with ‘and they lived happily ever after.’

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