Making contact


Could watching a television show about spirit contact enhance one’s chance to make contact with a deceased loved one? That’s what Mandy Moo of the UK wondered, and then decided to see for herself. Here’s her story, which first appeared on the web site.


“Three years ago, my dad passed away suddenly from a heart attack in his sleep. I was devastated and still miss him terribly. Last week, I had been watching Ghost Adventures, and feeling a little inspired, I thought I’d have a go at taking some camera shots using my iphone. I turned off all the lights in the lounge and talked to my dad as if he were still here, telling him that I was attempting to capture a photo of him.

“I pointed the phone at the spot on the sofa where he used to sit when he came to my house and started clicking away. The room was in complete darkness apart from when the flash would go off on the camera. After about 5-6 shots I switched on the lights to review the pictures, and there was an orb above the sofa on one of the shots.

“I still thought it might have been questionable so I turned off the lights and began clicking away again. After repeatedly clicking for about another 15-20 shots, I saw a figure of a man sitting on my sofa. It happened so fast on the pre-flash light, I was so shocked that I gasped out loud. A split second after I saw him what felt like a massive ball of heat hit me in the chest and radiated from my toes and out of my head. I immediately switched on the lights and sat there a bit dumb-struck and tried to process what had just happened. The image had not been caught on camera, but I know what I felt and saw was real.

“I would like to know if anyone else has experienced anything like this. I don’t know if the figure I saw was my dad, I really hope it was. I don’t know whether to feel scared or relieved. The next morning whilst I was vacuuming my hallway, I heard a voice call out ‘MUMMA!’ for a split second. I thought it was one of my children but I was alone in the house. Then about an hour after that I was coming into the hallway again when I saw out of the corner of my eye a black shadow that moved exactly like a cat coming down the last 3 steps of the stairs and into the kitchen. It moved really quickly and even though I tried to follow it, I knew it wasn’t a real cat.

“To say I’m a bit scared now is an understatement, can’t tell anyone about this because I know how crazy it sounds. I don’t want anyone to tell me things that are going to frighten me more….I just miss my dad and wanted to know if he was watching over us. I would be grateful for any info, thanks.”

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11 Responses to Making contact

  1. Shadow says:

    Careful what doors you open….

    That said, I have seen shadows moving, things that aren’t there when I look again, and they were all during times of high stress and in places where death is likely (hospitals) but I shy away from them(?), I’d rather those doors stay closed.

  2. c.j. cannon says:

    Cudos to you, Jane. LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE is always a wise rule to remember! Thanks for that reminder!!

  3. Jane says:

    Vibrationally like attracts like. Any hint of fear when contacting the other side can attract mischievous or lower vibrational entities. Many mediums have a “gatekeeper ” to help hold the space. If you are standing in the strength of your own truth and light grounded in the love for the deceased one, no other entities can affect you.

  4. c.j. cannon says:

    I agree 100% with you, Mike. There are negative entities in Spirit just as there are negative people who are in physical bodies, and it’s essential to surround oneself with positive energies when attempting to communicate with the discarnates. For me, personally, I always express that only those entities who exist within Love and Light be allowed to touch my space or to contact me in any manner. It’s simple and meaningful. And I also agree with your comment about less than positive entities….
    almost always, in my experiences and the experiences of so many others in my acquaintance, the loved ones on The Other Side will bring some kind of proof that it really IS the person we seek, as my Mom drenched me in the fragrance of her favorite perfume, which wasn’t a widely worn perfume due to its expense. But even without her scent, I somehow KNEW it was her, and I think that is common…we somehow just KNOW, intuitively, when it’s the person for whom we’ve reached.

  5. c.j. cannon says:

    Mandy, don’t be frightened! You sent out a call into the world of Spirit seeking contact with your Dad. I can assure you, from many, many personal experiences, when we call out for one whom we have loved that is Elsewhere, that person will find a way to communicate and respond to the call. They use various means with which to make contact , depending, it seems, on the energy available to them to actually DO that and sometimes we doubt that it is the loved one, but almost always, it IS that one answering the call. Recently I commented here about a visit from my Mother, who had been in Spirit less than two years. I was very ill, and even though I was a grown woman, I desperately wanted my Mother. I was weeping, and out loud, I called for her by her name and asked her to please come. A few moments later, there was a really loud CRACK in the middle of the air over my head, and I smelled my Mother’s perfume. Then a warm, almost liquid kind of sensation came in through the crown of my head and slowly washed down over my body, then out thru the bottoms of my feet. The fever and illness left with that liquid warmth. I KNEW it was my Mom. Regarding photos, we have photographs of my husband’s Mother, who lived to be 100, sitting on the end of her sofa in her mountain home, where she always sat when she was alive, and the photos have several “orbs” in them as well. Don’t be afraid of Spirit. Those we love are with us when we call for them. All we need to do is ask. And often, they drop by when we are unaware, just to watch over us and make sure we are OK. It’s a beautiful, comforting thing, knowing they continue to care for us and give us their love.

  6. Interesting story. I think it’s why people shy away from the likes of ouija boards and so on, some would say that this opens up the possibilities of other entities making themselves known – and not necessarily positive ones.

    I would have thought the writer would have sensed if it was her father on the sofa.

    • Jane says:

      Vibrationally like attracts like . Any fear will attract lower vibrational or mischievous entities. If you are standing in your own truth & light, grounded in the love you feel for the deceased one other entities can’t affect you. Why not find a good and experienced medium?

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