When the Unlikely and the Unbelievable Collide


Whitley Streiber recently asked us to write something for his website, Unknowncountry.com. It’s a big site with lots of departments and we thought we were writing a column for Insight. But, to our surprise, the article showed up in headline news, the top story for the weekend.

Essentially, it’s a summary of our thoughts on synchronicity, and it leads off with a story about how we met Charles Fontaine, the Quebec man whose UFO encounter inspired our book, Aliens in the Backyard. What we didn’t realize was that Saturday, the first full day that the article appeared, was the fourth anniversary of Charles Fontaine’s early morning encounter. So an article about synchronicity leads to another synchronicity.

You can read the story here.


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2 Responses to When the Unlikely and the Unbelievable Collide

  1. Yes, it should be headline news! Hope that brings you lots of new readers : books & blog!

  2. DJan says:

    Thank you for this. I’m off to read it now. 🙂

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