Into the Zone

We’re working on a book about creativity and synchronicity and one of the  chapters is called Into the Zone. Here’s what we’d written (in part)  in the proposal about this chapter.

Stephen King calls it “dreaming awake.” We call it being “plugged in.” Whatever you call it, you know when you’re there. You’re in the flow, the groove, and the rest of the world disappears. The zone is where you go when life is your canvas.

So Rob was about to begin work on this chapter, but before he started to went to one of the Facebook synchronicity group pages he occasionally visits and what popped up but a picture-quote featuring a blooming flower and the following quote.

SYNCHRONICITY happens when you align with the flow of the universe rather than insisting the universe flow your way.– Akemi G

It was a perfect nudge for him to get to work on it. It was also a synchronicity about synchronicity – we have those occasionally – and getting into the flow, the zone.

You’ll notice that the picture-quote at the top, the one I came upon, lacks attribution. But a quick Google search of the quote found that it was from a book called, Why We are Born: Remembering Our Purpose through the Akashic Records, by Akemi G.


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7 Responses to Into the Zone

  1. I love that quote about allowing synchronicity to flow instead of trying to force it to happen. It reminds me of a statement Sarah Palin made in her resignation speech in 2009: “Only dead fish go with the flow!” That’s her governing philosophy about life: eternal struggle instead of allowing. Maybe you can send her a copy of your new book when you finish!

  2. Shadow says:

    Oh man, how I love the feeling when I sit down and things just seem to write themselves…

  3. Some of these nudges can also make you smile!

  4. lauren raine says:

    I’m so glad you are going to write about synchronicity and creativity – the link between the two is so tangible when one is fully engaged in the mysterious creative process. I like to think of what Bill Moyers called “invisible means of support”………. when we’re in flow we find ourselves so often supported in magical ways.

  5. blah says:

    Or maybe sometimes knot!!

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