Robert Rabbit

When Trish attended a writer’s conference in Kentucky, she gave a talk one evening to the writers on synchronicity. In doing so, she told the story of the three Roberts. Briefly, last winter we stayed for awhile at a house in the Florida keys and were visited by two friends, both named Robert. That made three Roberts. One morning I opened the refrigerator and noticed a jar of grape jelly labeled: Robert is Here. That’s the name of a large fruit and vegetable standing in Homestead, and Robert apparently makes jelly.

So Trish mentioned that to keep everyone’s name straight, we referred to one of the Roberts as Tacayo (Spanish for brethren), and we called the other Robert Rabbit. As soon as she made the comment, a hand shot up in the audience and a woman said: “Sorry for interrupting, but one of the characters in my novel is named Robert Rabbit.”

Interestingly, of the 25 people in the audience, all but one easily grasped the idea of synchronicity.

On Saturday, September 12, Trish and I will give our first joint talk on synchronicity at the Heritage Book Festival in St. Augustine, Florida. You’re all invited!
P.S. I’m also going to be talking to a group of high school seniors in St. Augustine about writing and synchronicity. We’ll report back.

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12 Responses to Robert Rabbit

  1. robert says:

    Until today have met only three other Robert's as well. Nice to know that even across the Atlantic there are others.
    Please have a nice new week.

  2. terripatrick says:

    A talk to High School students? That's so cool! I've always liked connecting with the over 12 crowd, before they get ego jaded during the college/career years. Now that all my girls are in their 20's and on their own, and have each other, they aren't bringing their friends to the house anymore to meet their wacky mom.
    Teens are very open to basic common sense advice when you point to their astrological chart during your delivery. 🙂

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We'll report back with synchronicities!

  4. Toumai says:

    better yet, make a video or do video conferencing … or whatever techno wizardry stuff that is out there. I would pay to see you two in action via cyberspace!!

  5. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    It's too far away. Come to Vegas. I would love to hear the two of you speak. I'm always pointing things out to my husband that I think is synchronicity. He just rolls his eyes. He gets it, but he thinks I go overboard.

  6. Marja says:

    Thanks for visiting me. I love synchronicity. It happens on and off a lot in my life the last couple of years It always excites me. I shall write it down from now on.

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, man! so wish i could at the book festival! i know it will be all of the things you intend – and more! what fabulous fun for everyone!

    great post!

  8. Joseph Pulikotil says:

    Hi Trish and Rob:)


    This project sounds interesting. I wish you both good luck.

    Hope to see you again.

    Have a nice day:)

  9. Marlene says:

    Wish I lived in Florida…I'd be there…
    No visits in the future to California???

  10. Butternut Squash says:

    That should be great fun. I wish that I could be there.

  11. Natalie says:

    Good luck guys!

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