Astrology & Synchronicity


When I first started studying astrology, I was still in my teens and had never heard the term synchronicity. I was simply curious about the deeper underpinnings of who I was and where I might be headed in my life. In those days, astrology software didn’t exist and I, who am math-challenged, spent hours struggling with the complicated algorithms just to draw up a single chart. Today, the astrology software I have on my phone and iPad do the calculations in seconds.

During my freshman year in college, I ran across Richard Wilhelm’s edition of The I Ching, a Chinese divination system that dates back thousands of years. It uses 64 hexagrams that are derived from the toss of coins. Carl Jung wrote the introduction and used the term synchronicity to explain why the system worked. I suddenly understood that synchronicity was the basis for astrology and every other divination system.

As Jung wrote in the introduction, whoever invented the I Ching believed the hexagram “was the exponent of the moment in which it was cast.” In other words, when you ask your question and toss the coins, the hexagram you receive is like a snapshot in time, making manifest the internal. In much the same way, in the moment when you drew your first breath, the stars and planets were at certain positions in the heavens and that pattern, your birth chart, is a snapshot in time – the blueprint of your potential.

“…synchronicity takes the coincidence of events in space and time as meaning something more than mere chance,” wrote Jung.

I was recently reminded of the connection between astrology and synchronicity when I looked at the calendar for this September. My latest astrology book, Unlocking the Secrets to  Scorpios is due to be published that month, but on September 17, Mercury – the planet that rules communication, writing, books – turns retrograde. Over the years, I’ve learned that a Mercury retro period isn’t a good time to make submissions, sign contracts – or release a book into the world. So I wrote the editor and asked for the exact pub date and explained about the Mercury retro.

He said the pub date is September 8, so we miss the retro by nine days. I erected a chart – essentially a natal chart for the book – for that date, at noon, in Salem, Mass, where the publisher is located. I chose noon because it’s the middle of the day. It’s likely the book will be shipped before then and shelved in bookstores on the 8th. Now here’s the synchro. The ascendant or rising in a natal chart – the symbol to the left of that horizontal line that cuts the circle in half- is the point where you enter life. That symbol is for Scorpio. So, an astrology book about Scorpio will be entering its “life” when Scorpio is rising!

A skeptic might point out that Scorpio had a one in 12 chance of being on the horizon, so essentially this is simply a random coincidence. But if I had chosen, say, 1:00 p.m. as the time, the rising would be Sagittarius. If I’d chosen 7:00 a.m, the rising would be Virgo. But that isn’t what happened. Like I said, I selected noon because it’s the halfway point in the 24-hour day.

As Richard Tarnas noted in his phenomenal book, Cosmos & Psyche, Jung  didn’t regard the outer world as “merely a neutral background against which the human psyche pursued its isolated intrasubjective quest for meaning and purpose. Rather, all events, inner and outer, whether emanating from the human unconscious or from the larger matrix of the world, were recognized as sources of potential psychological and spiritual significance.” From this perspective, Tarnas said, “…all of nature supported and moved the human psyche towards a larger consciousness of purpose and meaning. Each moment in time possessed a certain tangible characters or quality which pervaded the various events taking place at that moment.”

So, whether you believe in astrology or not, there’s a curious synchronicity about the time I “randomly” chose for the birth time of the book’s release into the world. Scorpio is rising for a book all about Scorpios.

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9 Responses to Astrology & Synchronicity

  1. CJ Cannon says:

    Regarding Merc Retro this time: in our family, it was one disaster after another, too many to mention. Then I realized it was Mercury retro, and I knew we just had to wait it out for things to improve, and they did. People who think it doesn’ t affect us aren’t
    informed. Similar to the Moon’s effects on us, but very different. When I was an ER nurse in Atlanta, we always double-staffed during the 48-hour full moon period, because we never failed to have an excess of unusually “crazy” kinds of patients, including on several occasions patients in DTs and other withdrawals, and very often, patients with severe bleeding wounds and ailments.. The labor/delivery room double-staffed as well each month, because the arrival of babies during the full moon period often doubled and even tripled. It surprises folks to hear that a medical institution, and a very large one, paid attention to the events in the heavens, but it did. We also
    learned that certain TYPES of patients could be expected depending on the position of the moon in a particular sign. When it was in Leo, we had lots of cardiac patients; in Cancer, lots of female bleeding patients, etc etc. These were good to know, and we kept an astrological calendar discreetly out of sight in the med room ,so we always knew where all the planets were at any given time. It helped immensely, and made believers out of several folks who had previously thought it was all just a bunch of nonsense!

  2. Jane says:

    I too learned to cast a chart pre computers & struggled with Maths & my journey also was influenced by Willhelms I Ching when I was 21. I have always had Scorpio s in my life, had two children with a Scorpio. Wonderful to hear about this synchro, you don’t say what the dominant aspects are for it’s launch but I hope it does well!

  3. I like this whole story – all the details. I could go on and on just about the recent Mercury retrograde period. Could the snarls have been avoided if I had not done certain crucial things during this time? I’ll never know. I just know that next time Mercury goes retrograde I’m going to not be so flippant about it as if I will not be affected.

  4. CJ Cannon says:

    I’ve been surrounded by Scorpios all my life, either they had their Sun in Scorpio, or had Scorpio rising. (Example: my Dad was Scorpio Sun, my only sibling was born on his BD so is Scorpio Sun, my husband is Scorpio Sun, my middle son has Scorpio rising, mant of my close friends have been Scorpios, etc etc). They are challenging in many ways. In my opinion, Scorpio is the most complex and complicated sign no matter where it appears in the chart, and because they have been so prolific in my life, I can hardly wait for your book to be released! I’ll be first in line to purchase one!

  5. There certainly is a curious synchro with your book release: may it prove successful.

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