


Sometimes, synchronicities occur in pairs or in clusters of more than two and those synchros seem to be addressing some inner thing, at least for me. These pairings or clusters can happen with anything, but for me, perhaps because I’m a writer, they often happen with words.

The other day, I was driving to the hair salon I frequent. I was listening to an Abraham-Hicks CD that was talking about allowing whatever we desired into our lives, about yielding to it. At the exact moment that the word yielding was spoken on the CD, I saw a sign that said yield. And I knew that was the message.

According to dictionary.com,  yield means:

verb (used with object)

to give forth or produce by a natural process or in return for cultivation:

This farm yields enough fruit to meet all our needs.

to produce or furnish (payment, profit, or interest):

a trust fund that yields ten percent interest annually; That investment will yield a handsome return.

to give up, as to superior power or authority:

They yielded the fort to the enemy.

to give up or surrender (oneself):

He yielded himself to temptation.

to give up or over; relinquish or resign:

to yield the floor to the senator from Ohio.

to give as due or required:

to yield obedience to one’s teachers.

to cause; give rise to:

The play yielded only one good la

Notice that in each definition, you yield to something outside the self – your teachers, the senator from Ohio, the farm – or to something lesser than what you are – temptation, obedience.

But with synchros, it seems that we often don’t understand the meaning until the event happens. And sometimes, even when the event happens, we miss it. But a few hours after the synchro happened,  we were hired for a ghostwriting project. We object to some elements of the contract – like how many words have to be written before you see your first payment. But contracts aside, writing is what you do in solitude, unless you work in TV, where you are a cog in the collective wheel called team. Writing is really about yielding what you think you know about the craft and the business to what you don’t know about either one.

It’s about faith that you make the intuitive leap to wherever you need to be to wherever you want to be.

Sounds simple, right?

Yield: to allow.

Okay, universe. Message received!

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6 Responses to Yield

  1. DJan says:

    Isn’t it funny how often we find it impossible to ignore these synchros? They happen to me in the same way and I hope I manage to pay attention to them most of the time. Because of you and your books, I’m much more aware of them now. 🙂

  2. I think of ‘yield’ as non-resistance – let whatever it is happen without interfering. Ones ships come in over a calm sea

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