Eagle Feather Synchro

feather synchro

When we attended the Tallahassee Writers Conference in late April, we met a lot of wonderful people. One of them was Terry Crowley, who sent us this interesting synchro about an eagle feather.


St. Augustine Florida has wonderful quirky shops tourists love to browse. A friend and I entered a Native Indian shop with many authentic works of art. A beautiful ‘eagle’ feather caught my eye. (It really was a painted goose feather because it is illegal to own a real eagle feather.) The quill of the feather was wound in turquoise suede strips, ending in a tassel at the bottom. The entire stem was dotted with turquoise paint. I was really compelled to buy it, but it was $25. I had no use for it, so with regret, I passed it by. Of all of the other neat items in the shop, my mind returned to the feather, but I still resisted buying it. I didn’t have the luxury to spend money frivolously.

The Cherokee spiritual woman who owned the shop offered animal totem readings. The animals represent the power or medicine each person carries in their Earth Walk. I was thrilled when my friend treated me to a reading for my birthday. When asked if there was a particular animal I was drawn to throughout my life, I couldn’t really say, except wolf, but that didn’t feel right. I asked the spiritual woman what animal she was and she said eagle. Eagle hit a chord with me, but I wanted to know what my animal really was, not what I hoped it would be.

To begin, she smudged me and animal cards with white sage. With the energy cleared, she asked me to look at and touch all of the cards, and then she instructed me to draw seven cards. The cards drawn would indicate the four directions, North, East, South, and West, and also the directions above, below, and within.

Not understanding exactly what to do, I drew from the top of the deck, but when it came to draw the card within, she finally told me that I could pick any card in the deck and that I didn’t need to be drawing them just from the top of the deck. I could mix them up on the table or fan them out. She told me to really feel for this card, so I fanned the cards out and felt for a card that seemed right or evoked feeling in me. To my surprise, I chose the eagle card!

I decided this was a sign that I was meant to have the “eagle” feather and that’s why I was so drawn to it in the first place. The shop was filling up people. I rushed to the shelf and snatched it up quickly, fearing someone else might purchase it.

As soon as I returned home, I went to the book store and purchased the Medicine Card Set by Jamie and David Carson that the spiritual woman used at her store. I give animal card readings to friends and relatives ever since, and the readings ring surprisingly true of both their personalities, and sometimes, even their appearance or mannerisms. I use the feather for smudging with white sage before each reading. I found a use for the feather after all!

The “eagle” feather called to me in that store and led me to a divining tool that has helped people understand themselves, their strengths and weaknesses, and their connection with animals. The feather is now one of my most treasured possessions. If it wasn’t for the feather synchro, I would have missed out on knowing the animal allies available to us in life and that their medicine is there to aid us in our Earth Walk, if we would just ask.


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7 Responses to Eagle Feather Synchro

  1. What a great story and how well all of the pieces fit together.

  2. natalie Thomas says:

    I love the way it all works. Good one. 🙂

  3. DJan says:

    This is a wonderful story! It reminds me to stay open to the universe and not let little things like “it costs too much” deter me from my path. 🙂

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