Bashar Speaks


Is there an alien from 300 years in our future who resides on a planet in an alternate universe, making YouTube videos? According to Darryl Anka, the answer is yes. Anka has been channeling an entity named ‘Bashar’ for more than 20 years. Bashar, who unfortunately has the same name as the dictator of Syria, knows a lot about our planet and offers plenty of advice for us.
Of course, channeling is controversial. Even many people who accept the existence of paranormal phenomena and the presence of aliens are often wary of channelers. Or they accept a particular channeler, such as Abraham who speaks through Esther Hicks, and have doubts about others.
Even though, decades ago, I read numerous books by Jane Roberts, who channeled Seth, I was somewhat skeptical, a natural reaction, to Bashar, who refers to himself as a first-contact specialist. But I like a lot of what he says, because he answers questions with specific responses – though often long-winded – rather than simply throwing the question back at the questioner and talking about the meaning behind the question and why the questioner should wake up and think and act differently.
What possessed me to include the link to this particular video is that Darryl Anka spends five minutes talking about the process of channeling and how it works. Then Bashar arrives and surprisingly within a minutes begins talking about synchronicity. He also makes some interesting comments about the Grays and abductions at about minute 20.
Feel free to criticize. This isn’t the Church of Bashar.
The video is here.
Darryl Anka (right) and an illustration of Seth, a well known channeled entity from the 1960-70s
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3 Responses to Bashar Speaks

  1. That sounds interesting but will have to come back to it – as it’s quite a long video. Thanks for the link.

  2. Shadow says:

    I do not know channeling, I will go find out…

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