Pet Finders

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This story comes from our daughter, Megan.


Megan has two part-time jobs – as an artist for Paint Nite and as a dog walker. Now she and a friend are starting up a business where they will find lost pets – with an emphasis on cats and dogs.

I’m not sure of all the details she and her partner have worked out, but I think it goes something like this: You’ve lost your pet. You contact Pet Finders, send them several photos of your animal buddy and they print up flyers and distribute them around the Orlando area. They post the photos on their Facebook page, through Twitter and other social media, and distribute to animal shelters, veterinarians, apartment buildings, in every restaurant and watering hole downtown, wherever necessary, and give you daily updates on the areas they have covered, any leads they’ve gotten.

In other words, they would do all the footwork. You, who have lost your pet,  probably work full-time, may have a family and a lot of obligations and don’t have the time you need to devote to the search. They would charge by the week or month for their service.

The logo they’re going to use is that of a terrier – probably this painting that she did of her former roommate’s dog, a terrier mix named Ollie. That’s Ollie to the right of the painting, probably wondering if he actually looks that colorful, with Megan behind him.


Oo the morning after she and her prospective new business partner met up to hash out some details, Megan headed out to walk some dogs. And there, in her front yard, was a lost terrier, who looked similar to this dog.


She picked up the little guy, looked at his tag, and realized the address was just down the street from her. So she walked over there with the terrier and the woman who answered the door was elated. She said her dog has been outside in the yard and had somehow gotten out.

“You guys aren’t going to believe the synchro I had this morning,” she said when she called.


I think it’s a confirmation synchro – right business, good timing, ideal partner. After all, it wasn’t just a lost pet that turned up in her yard – but the type of dog they planned to use in their logo, and it had a happy ending!

She would really like a better name than what Rob and I gave her business – Pet Finders. She’s looking for pizazz, flash, alliteration, something that leaps off your tongue.

My question is this: will you also find lost animals like the one on this flyer in our local dog park?


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20 Responses to Pet Finders

  1. C.J. Cannon says:

    What a wonderful business for Megan! There is a syncro here with me and this post. I had just turned the final page of a non-fiction book by Dean Koontz, A BIG LITTLE LIFE. This is a memoir of Dean’s and his wife’s experiences that were shared with their “canine daughter”, a Golden named Trixie. I laughed and cried my way through this absolutely amazing book, and can’t recommend it highly enough for folks to read.
    After reading the book, I came to the computer to send the Macs a heads-up on the book, (which they told me they had read),came to the blog, and here was Megan’s story! Love it!

  2. Vicki DeLaurentis-momwithwings says:

    Good for her!
    I loved the synchro with the neighbors pet.
    I worked in Advertising for years and you want a catchy name that easily informs. I think Pet Finders does that. She could use a cute picture of her and her friend and their pets with Fedora hats on to go along with the name.

  3. Dale Dassel says:

    She can go into business as: Meg MacGregor: Pet Detective! 🙂

  4. Jane says:

    Wishing her well with her new business! Great synchro!

  5. lauren raine says:

    What a great synchro, and a great business as well! I love the painting, and “Pet Finders” may sound a bit utilitarian, but I think it would be right to the point for those who are distressed at losing their animal buddies.

    Sounds like it’s a go ahead for Megan!

  6. That sure was a great sign that they are doing the right thing. Love it!

  7. Nancy says:

    Great idea! And I like Pet Finders. It is succinct and you know exactly what the business does. Good luck to Megan on her new venture. (Now all she needs to do is to produce an app…)

  8. Shadow says:

    Ah! This is perfectly heartwarming. Godspeed.
    And I just love our synchro *BiG grin*

  9. DJan says:

    That’s a great synchro, and a happy ending all around. I laughed at the lost pig poster. I hope they find him and he doesn’t get eaten! 🙂

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