Gail’s Owl Synchros


Some weeks back, we posted an interesting owl synchro that Kerrie had experienced. One of the comments was from Gail Provost Stockwell,  a friend we have known for years. She and her deceased husband, Gary, started the successful Write It, Sell It workshops. Here was Gail’s comment:

Here’s a synchro for you! While I was running errands earlier this afternoon, I had my radio tuned into my favorite station: Sirius XM 123–PRX, Radio Remix. All stories, all the time. True stories. Although I missed the start of the story I quickly “got” that it was about one lawyer who, despite immense ridicule, theorized that the bloodied woman found dead inside her home at the foot of the staircase was not murdered that night as everyone else believed — (by her husband, I’m guessing only because I missed hearing the story’s ending) . Anyway, he put forth the cause of her death as follows: she had gone outside for some reason such as to take out the garbage, and on her way back to the house, she suddenly was attacked by an owl. Somehow she made it inside, but the blood was gushing, and the pain struck her down.

What this lawyer noticed that no one else had picked up was that among the forensic details he saw this was an owl feather —microscopic, in her hair. Turns out he was right. Owls who attack humans strike with sharp talons that might just as well be made of steel, I suppose. They are known, these particular owls, for spiking into the lower right hand corner of the back of a human head. And so it goes.

But, OWL STORIES? Two of them? Only hours apart? I ‘m not an owl gal. What’s the message . . .I wonder. Better go look this up in my book, ANIMAL SPEAKS. Cheers!

I wrote Gail on Facebook and warned her that a third owl synchro would probably occur soon. Sure enough, she wrote me today that the third owl had shown up through an image a Facebook friend of hers had posted:



Don’t know if this is for real, or photo shopped, according to others who also responded to the photo. Perhaps, there we go. Perhaps that’s the message. In which reality does this darling creature exists? Which reality calls to me? To you? The power of choice. Power of thought, emotion, intuition.

I said that it didn’t matter if it was photo shopped. The point is that it was her third owl synchro in a matter of days.

 Among indigenous people, owls are believed to be messengers between the living and the dead, and symbolize hidden knowledge, wisdom, the occult. They have also been associated with alien abductions. We’ve done a number of posts about owls (put the word in our search box) and in looking back over them, I ran across this story. It was about the one-legged burrowing owl (that beautiful owl in the photo at the top of the post) that warned us about the impending death of my mother, the most powerful personal synchro I’ve ever experienced.

It was posted on August 13, 2010, but in the actual post, the date I was writing it is noted. I was stunned. I wrote that post (August 7, 2010) exactly five years ago today (August 7, 2015). This is the kind of stuff that happens with owl synchros.


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9 Responses to Gail’s Owl Synchros

  1. Shadow says:

    Owls are of the Mystical World, and if your soul is open, you can gain much from them.

  2. Jane says:

    For me owls have always warned of a death to come for over 40 years now. When this began and I was much younger I remember seeing an owl on a night drive from the corner of my eye, my passenger asked if I had seen it & in denial I said no because I hadn’t seen it properly., so thought maybe it wouldn’t count as a warning.That night in a dream an owl came at my face with talons ready to pluck my eyese out & it said you WILL see me!
    After that I accepted their appearance in my life was a a warning of loss to come within days.

  3. Amazing, especially your final paragraph.

    I didn’t realise owls would attack people!

  4. c.j. cannon says:

    The sounds that owls make are different from any other type of bird species. There is nothing “musical” about their “speaking”. I’ve often wondered about this difference whenever I hear them. Owls are not common near our beach. But not long ago, an owl
    began to perch on an electrical wire directly across the street from us. It came to the very same spot each night for two weeks, and I need to say there have never been owls near here before or since that singular two week occasion. On the 14th nite, our immediate next-door neighbor died. She was only 52, and had metastatic lung cancer.
    That owl made its presence known the entire nite, and it wasn’t until morning that we learned Peg had died. We never saw or heard the owl again. I wonder if these peculiar creatures perhaps lead the Spirit out of the body to Elsewhere…..

  5. neat story – and of course, i could not help but remember my own encounters with owls…

  6. natalie Thomas says:

    Owls totally creep me out.

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