Psychology Today Blinks


Psychology Today has a history of publishing dismissive or highly skeptical articles about synchronicity and all aspects of the paranormal. That may seem surprising to anyone who might confuse mainstream psychology with parapsychology, an under-funded stepchild of the science of the mind. The mainstream, popularized in PT,  has embraced the mechanistic/materialistic view of the universe for decades after once being considered a questionable science. Indeed, in its early years, psychology was rooted in mysticism. So the emphasis has been to quantify the subjective and reject any implications of a spirit world or any realm beyond the everyday world.

So I found it interesting when PT recently decided to start a regular column on their website about synchronicity and, importantly, presenting it in a positive light. The columnist is Dr. Bernard Beitman, visiting professor at the University of Virginia where he has developed a program called Coincidence Studies. Here’s his first column.


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6 Responses to Psychology Today Blinks

  1. Darren B says:

    Thanks for pointing out Dr. Beitman’s column Trish.
    This one is going into “My Favourite Blogs” file,
    which Synchrosecrets has been in for years, I might add.

  2. His column is an interesting read – as Bob Dylan sang ‘The Times They Are A-Changin’ (again).

  3. lauren raine says:

    I agree!

    I think the rejection of things “paranormal” may be changing – in the early years there was a legitimate desire on the part of science to reject superstition and beliefs that were destructive to society and investigation – for example, the beliefs in “witches” that brought on the Inquisition. Perhaps now there is a balance happening. …..

  4. gina says:

    Dr. Beitman’s column is great. I hope this means that synchronicity is going mainstream.

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