Healing Synchronicity – Seats 27K, 29K



In October 2014, our blogging friend Isabella Dove  lost her eleven-year-old daughter, Naaila, while they were living in West Africa. Since Naaila’s death, Isabella has had a string of synchronicities related to Naaila that appear to be spirit communication. She considers them to be deeply healing. We posted one of them on August 16.

This story and the link at the end of it to a much longer synchro, blew me away.


June 2014. Upon purchasing an intercontinental flight for my young daughter to travel and visit her uncle and cousins in Europe, I realized it would be her first long-haul flight by herself. Though Naaila was a seasoned traveller all over the world, she always flew with me by her side. She would know all the routines for fellow passengers and for aircraft preparations because she studied all on-board documents fully on each flight. I guess she probably is the only passenger doing so as I hardly saw anyone even taking a glimpse to those technical flyers.

Having realized so, I was bound to choose a nice seat number for her and also requested the airline representative to put a note on file that it would be nice if it were a woman sitting next to her. I knew airlines can do that – if they really want to – even though they tell you right away that they can’t. It is indeed a regular practice on airlines in Pakistan and other strict Muslim countries where women traveling on their own cannot sit next to men. I chose window seat 27K.

July 2014, after conducting all pre-flight administration for a Non -Accompanied Child traveling on her own, we waited for a Brussels Airline representative to take her in. We kissed good bye in a special way, both of us knowing we were to experience a premiere. She walked away without looking at me, confident. But she sent me text messages from the waiting area and said she felt weird waiting there by herself. I wished I could have hugged her but told her to be patient.

August 2014. Upon her return a month later, I asked her how that flight went and how she experienced her first flight on her own, hoping all had gone well. She told me that her pre-assigned seat 27K was messy and occupied by a woman who had far too much hand-luggage. She also said, the woman “was a little fat too, and I didn’t want to sit there. I would have been shrunk by the window.”

The flight attendant told her to sit two rows behind, in seat 29K by herself. “I cried a bit and a woman looked at me told me it would be all right, don’t cry.” Then she ate, watched a movie, and slept.

Fast forward Monday 27 October 2014. I am going to be on that same flight, that very same aircraft and Brussels Airline and as I watch my daughter’s coffin being loaded on the plane’s cargo, my heart jolts and I sob. My traveling companion holds my hands and together in silence we watch the plane. I said, “Naaila had often asked me how the plane is configured in the cargo area. I guess now she’ll see for herself.”

An airline representative comes over to me and says she recognizes me and mentions the day that I bought that ticket – “You know, seat 27K. That pretty girl… I am so sorry for you!”

I thanked her and sat down in the waiting area, sorry they could not have upgraded my ticket to business class.  Upon boarding the plane, I checked my seat number and my heart jolted: it was 29K, the exact seat my daughter had sat on 14th July 2014 when taking her first international flight alone. I was awed at life’s surprise and the synchronicity in numbers and events. Had I been upgraded to business class this would have never occurred. But it was so terribly sad and I couldn’t hold my tears.

The wheel of life keeps turning.

Namaste everyone.

Here is the link to the longer story about the synchronicities involved in Naail’a memorial service at a Buddhist temple.


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One Response to Healing Synchronicity – Seats 27K, 29K

  1. Gayle says:

    This synchronicity is beautiful and profound.

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