The 2 Pollacks

This story come from Richard Arrowsmith. He a 29-old father of three who lives in the highlands of Scotland, in the northernmost part of Britain in an areas called Caithness. He works as a web developer for a local IT company and has been interested in synchronicity for about four years. He recently started a blog on the topic- black dog star.
Last weekend my dad phoned me to invite my two daughters, aged 6 and 11, to go fishing with him. They hadn’t been fishing with their granddad in over a year so they both readily agreed. While they were preparing to leave it dawned on me that I hadn’t been fishing with my dad in a long long time. I had a good feeling about the occasion so with nothing better to do that evening I decided, on a whim, to join them on their fishing expedition.

My dad picked us up in his car and we drove the 10 minute journey towards the harbor. When we arrived we carried our rods and backpack along the rugged coastline until we came to some suitable rocks which were being hammered by the pounding waves. The conditions were quite fierce but having made the trek we set up the rods and carefully started casting our lines out into the writhing ocean.

As the evening progressed my daughters were delighted at their own good fortune as they pulled in a small Mackeral nearly every single time. Meanwhile I stood there without a single bite. Not even a nibble. They must have caught about 7-8 fish between them when we started talking about packing things up. The wind was picking up, the heavy clouds overhead were darkening and it felt like it was time to head home. Despite having caught nothing at all it had been fun.
So I cast out one final time, quietly confident that this time lady luck would shine on me, when I suddenly felt a sharp tug on the line. With the rod bending to the point where I thought it might snap I reeled in what I could only describe as ‘ a whopper’. From out of the black seaweed emerged the largest catch of the night. I wasn’t sure what type of fish it was so my dad informed me that I’d just landed an average sized Pollock.

We’d thrown the smaller Mackeral back into the ocean but we quickly decided that we’d take this one home with us. It was destined for the frying pan. The kids thought it was a great idea so we headed back to the car in high spirits, the short adventure having ended on a good note. As we drove away from the harbor I gave a silent thank-you to the ocean for the gift I’d received that memorable evening.

At home we gutted the fish, fried it, and shared it around, my dog and three cats enjoying the scraps. This was the first time I’d ever eaten Pollock, the first time in about 10 years that I’d ever caught a fish, and the first time I’d ever eaten something I’d caught by my own fair hand. This wasn’t something that happened everyday.

The night wound down and with the children in bed I turned on the computer. I decided to check my email and as the program opened I noticed I’d received one new message. I couldn’t believe it when I read that the name, highlighted in bold, was Iain Pollock. The synchronicity made my jaw drop open in puzzled amazement.

Iain Pollock is an old friend who I haven’t seen, or spoken to, in over three years. We used to be work colleagues but when I moved to another job we simply lost touch with one another. The email from Iain Pollock came completely unannounced and the fact that he decided to resume contact on the very same evening I caught and ate my first ever Pollock makes my mind boggle.

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18 Responses to The 2 Pollacks

  1. Simon from Caly says:

    To many words get left out when you type on limited time. building for at "that" time……. didn't work on "that" day……. strange just like "with" Mike Holgrem. 56 Lawaernce Taylor NY giants, what brought brother down…..

  2. Simon/Robert says:

    Yeah Rob the extended circumstances of how mothers people have treated me have weighed extremely heavy on my heart, and I can imagine many people have experienced such things, but the thing is they could of helped me so much with so little and those chose not to. But as far as my last phrase, as to who I was building for at time, well let's just say it writes right into the day. I didn't work but did finish that house in SC, see Rob, Simon is Robert, Lafayette just fishing. but thanks for the interest, cause it is strange just Mike Holgrem, Brett and the Babe

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    All the events you mention certainly qualify as major transitions, and tragic ones. We don't understand your last phrase, Simon. Could you explain?

  4. Simon from Caly says:

    To Rob and Trish, so you say synchros happin during times of major life changes. Like when a guys only sibling lands in the hospital for life and at that time his extended family evicts him from a residence they asked him to move into, then they never pick up the phone to give him a call, with many other similiar circumstances. But as for 9-11 yeah we had an emergency, they picked a predictable target and hit it on a predictable day. You want to now of coincidence Rob, strange who I was building in that month, strange.

  5. Toumai says:

    What I would also like to mention at this point, is that while writing this fictional story on Atallant (the name by the way is a combination of two ancient words– Atle, meaning "water" and Lant, meaning "land"… and if you add the ancient word 'isa' (root word meaning 'ice') to make "Atallantisa" (sound familiar… Atlantis), you have the ancient meaning of the place Atlantis– "water, land and ice"

    One of the other things that came to me while writing this story is the Root language (vocal) and ancient culture of mankind. I had a strong sense of having 'inadvertently' made this discovery. There was something about the phonetic sounds of our alphabet that fit with aspects of the permafrost home that I had 'inadvertently' conjured up.

    I followed the trail via etymology research and sure enough, the proof is all there… further proof is found in Anthropological findings.

    I have more than enough proof of this discovery, some of which I have summed up in three pages that I have put on my blog. You don't need to be a rocket scientist, in fact, this is enough for anyone to at least give serious consideration to venturing down my road.

  6. Toumai says:

    Perhaps the twin towers are pivotal to synchronicity and the language. Regardless of the who behind this event, it opened a door for our inner "observing" twin/world to get our attention once and for all because we weren't getting it!

    My feeling is that they had a hand in this though part of me doesn't want to believe this. But it seems so obvious on so many levels– look at the design of the towers (twins, one large one small)… but before this look at the design of our Arabic Numeral 11– twin 1's, a unique phenomena in itself and a graphic representation of the towers… and is part of 9/11. If our minds are open enough, it is also a symbol of our unique parallel worlds).

    Other things tie in too, like your nephew who was tripping out… painted a big 1 on the house and kept saying "don't you get it 1…1!! And hey, #1 shares the key with !… add that into the equation.

    So let's Look at the math of 1 and more specifically of our double 1 otherwise known as 11: 11+11=22; 22+11=33; 33+11=44 (11 continually added to itself shows identical double digit answers!)

    Anyone with a little knowledge know that patterns mean something… Lucky for Helen Keller she caught on. Hopefully we will be as lucky.

    Many of us have been witnessing identical double digits in the minute section of the time. This phenomenon was the final straw in convincing me that the fictional story that I had begun writing after my accident of 2000 (which was no accident!!)would turn out to have a basis in truth (the crux of the story entailed a character which I named "Atallant"–our first homo sapien sapiens/ modern man which happened to be a perfectly conjoined twin).

    Coming to this conclusion was about as accidental as Megan dialing "88 believed" on her cell phone by involuntary body movements while it was in her pocket).

    Now we arrive at the Gemini twin Pollux… which just happened to stem from your 9/11/9 post– the two pollacks … the anniversary of the 'twin' towers and what I am saying is that your grammar re: the 's' in 'pollacks' was not accidental either.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    There were many synchronicities directly linked to the World Trade Center disaster. Hundreds had dreams of disaster, some specifically related to the twin towers. People overslept for the first time that day and didn't go to work at the towers. We have a section in one chapter of Seven Secrets of Synchronicity that focuses on 9-11.

  8. Toumai says:

    except now look at the possibility of synchronicity being a language… a sign language of sorts. How else will our inner psyche (or twin if you will) communicate… We know that dreams are symbolic mostly… we know this. Perhaps synchronicity and dreams come from the same source.

    So now, given that let's look at the towers– they are thought of "twin towers"… they look like two pillars — like the number 11 (the firs 1 representing the larger 10 and second, just 1).

    But then 911 can mean other things– a call for help. This would be synchronicity math. I didn't put these numbers there… I didn't make 9/11 happen… but there is a pattern that I see in this that strongly suggests that this inner world had a hand in it all… maybe not directly, but they want us to know that they are "watching"' "influencing" and then willing to use this event to get our attention. Note in wiki: that one of the twins is an "observer" (Pollux) while the other is a "thief" (Castor)… this is suggestive of the inner world and their "observing"

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Synchronicities occur frequently during periods of major transitions – death, divorce, moves, marriages, births, illness, war. & many of them that cluster around such transitions are intense and urgent. Some are affirmations, others are warnings. I never thought of 9-11 as a synchronicity, though. It seemed to be a deliberate date, chosen intentionally for what happened.
    – Trish

  10. Toumai says:

    Shouldn’t the Title be “The Two Pollack”. Hmmm, but because you added the “s” it would then sound like “Pollax” which in turn led me to the ‘phonetic synchronicity’ with the Gemini Twin "Pollux". Being Gemini I know a little of the mythology. For one, Pollux was eternal while the other twin Castor was finite, and so when Castor lay dying, Pollux was given a choice… to give up eternal rights so that Castor can live. I’ve written more on the topic

    It hasn’t passed me by either that this story was posted on 9/11. We should be aware that this event as horrible as it was, holds synchronicity. Since the emergency help line here in Canada is 911, I consider this a synchronicity that will help us to understand the language.

    Synchronicity is not only about humour, fun and games… something very serious and urgent is underlying. I believe that 9/11 and other synchronicities whichever form they come in, are meant to shake and wake… to get our attention… a necessary evil. Sometimes choices have to be made with no choice… like a mother who has to choose between giving her child polluted water which could kill, or watch the child die of thirst. Like choosing to go to war in order to stop atrocities like Hitler's terrible regime. This is our reality.

    This is not what people want to hear… and trust me I don’t want to hear this…to open my eyes to see the whole of synchronicity… and the reason. Some times the truth is painful… but we are better off for it in the end.

  11. Toumai says:

    I wanted to make a comment on your earlier post re: Name Synchronicity, but had a computer glitch. But it seems that my comment is more appropriate for this post re: pollacks (for a double catch synchronicity).

    What I wanted to comment on was the gold star medalist Caster Semenya. She has been in the news as of late re her controversial gender, the news reports her as being hermaphrodite/intersexual. In lieu of the news story, I thought the name Caster to hold synchronicity since the name of one of the twins found in the Astrological Sign of Gemini is named “Castor”.
    What is really interesting now, in light of this posts topic re pollacks is that the second twin in Gemini is named “Pollux”.

    Would that constitute for a “double-double synchronicity”?

  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    rob and trish – just wanted to interject here and ask if you guys are familiar with the 10 billion beats global intention experiment coming up next weekend? thoughts? thx!!!

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    You go fish, Anon! – Rob

  14. Anonymous says:

    you get a lot of viewer's Rob, yeah the fish story quit a bit improbable. you want to print up the NFL draft story for me or what. Seattle 10th rd 78 cincy 7th round 87, yes? no?

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'd never heard of pollock, either, until this story. Celeste, you're probably right, though. Now we'll hearing the word/name everywhere!

  16. Nancy says:

    These types of synchronicities always amaze me. What a strange world we live in – and I think it has a sense of humor.

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what a neat story – all the way around – and i am not familiar with a pollock fish either – great tale – one i'm sure richard and his daughters will carry for a long time coming!

  18. Celeste Maia says:

    I never heard the name Pollock for a fish. Only of Pollack the painter. But I bet that now that I heard it here for the first time, the name is going to pop up in various ways. You write beautifully and I very much enjoyed reading of your fishing trip with your daughters and father.

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