Tangled Web

Recently, I ordered a book on-line, actually one of my own novels, SPAWN, that was missing from my bookshelves. A couple of weeks passed and no book arrived. Then an e-mail came from the sender saying that the book was shipped to the wrong person, who was sending it to me.

Meanwhile, I was supposed to send Who Wants Arthur to the person who got SPAWN. Except, I didn’t really know who wanted Arthur, since the email lacked a mailing address for the book. Besides that, the Arthur book didn’t arrive in our mail, either. Instead, we found another un-ordered book. The Brain that Changes Itself. And who was waiting for that book?

The company agreed to pay shipping via Pay Pal and give us a $25 gift certificate for the confusion. Meanwhile, SPAWN arrived, but it was the YA version. I’d wanted to longer adult version. Oh, well. What was the name of the company involved in this mess? Tangled Web Books!

Kid you not.

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7 Responses to Tangled Web

  1. "C" says:

    Not photoshopped one bit. Wouldn't be anything special if I did photoshop or fake something, lol. I am a magician not an illusionist, lol. Plus I wouldn't want to bring any more attention to my mug then I have to. "Hey look at me I got a glowing light around my head."

    Orb-Weaver Spiders visited my house.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    C – weird light! Is it for real – i.e., not photoshopped? Also, looked for spider story, couldn't find it. Which blog?

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I also wrote THE PHANTOM years ago, based on another comic character. It was very big in France for some reason.

  4. "C" says:

    Thats cool, did you catch the post over at my regular blog about all these spiders that keep "visiting" my house?

    Anyways speaking of Spawn, I was just thinking about how much I loved that cartoon on HBO and the alley and all of that etc…

    Then I came across this picture of Leo Fitzpatrick (Tully from the Movie KIDS) and me and I have this Spawn shirt on and he has this "The Blackness" shirt on. I have fake AIDS sores on my face, lol. Anyways check out that light "around me". I plain on getting into these eventually on my private blog. I thik you guys are a part or that? if not drop me a email and I will let you in.


    Peace and BTW I love the simple sycro story's on your blog! I also enjoy the fact that it "happens to you" when your not really looking for it, that's special. Alot of these sycronaughts google names, themes, and etc to make connections all day long, lol…….that's for the birds IMO.

  5. Liza says:

    I find the Spawn reference interesting as I just watched the most mind blowing vid that featured another comic book author, Grant Morrison (we just watched the vid again last night). There's something about those guys.

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    get outta here!!!
    oh, the tangled webs…they…do weave….

  7. Nancy says:

    A very fitting name. I ordered a book recommended by Trish from Amazon – by Jim Tucker, and received two. I know I double checked the order at the time. It's too much trouble to send back so I just figured it was meant to be given to someone. I'll just hang on to it until the person reveals themselves.

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