Aliens…where are you?


Huffington Post recently featured a short article from The Guardian about a conversation between infamous whistle-blower Edward Snowden and astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson. The conversation turned to aliens and as the headline of the article puts it:  “Edward Snowden has a Depressing Theory about Aliens.” Basically, he says we’re probably forever doomed to exist as a lonely people, reaching out into the endless cosmic void and finding no response.

He thinks that the aliens probably have a really advanced encryption program on their software that we’ll never be able to break. Yeah, he really said that. As if they’re like us, but with better security for their communication systems. Maybe living in isolation as a wanted American in Moscow for a couple of years has affected his thinking. It seems he is expanding his own scenario out to the cosmos. Metaphorically, it seems Snowden is alienated.

If that was all that was to it, I wouldn’t have bothered with a post. However mysterious, directly below this article, without any transition, are the stories of ten people describing their contact with aliens. At first I thought that maybe the Huff Post was trying to show the other side of the story, that some of us actually are in contact, or have been, with aliens. But then after reading these unedited stories, I decided that no, what they were doing was trying to show that only crazed people communicate with aliens.  That’s my take. What do you think?

Here are a couple of the stories. You can find the rest at the link above.



When I was in my thirties, I found out from my father about a government experiment that I was part of in which they were using alien DNA to create me. I also have been on the ships most of my life off and on. I’ve had lots of contacts. … I was being taken. I’ve been taken on ships quite a bit.

I’ve met Salamander beings and I’ve met Greys. I’ve also met the Blue Arcturians which are incredible. They all have their own personalities and their own purposes. … I’ve also met the Cat People that are from Sirius. I’ve actually seen people that can shape shift from human looking to Reptilians.

As far as the abductions, I’ve had numerous of them where they’ve shown me around various ships. … They’ve also explained … why they’re here and how they’re here to help humanity.



December 1995 I landed on Johnson atoll, an island eight hundred miles southwest in the Pacific Ocean and I was a civilian working for the military and when I landed there a man came over and said, “You’ve landed on a joint US military ET base.” And I said, “Oh really?” So a year later in 1996 I was sleeping in my bed and suddenly I’m being carried by six of the traditional ET’s with the large heads and large eyes. There are there military on either side walking and I’m screaming bloody murder. … And the Grey on the right hand side the one that was carrying my foot said, “Go ahead and scream all you want.You’re in an energy field and no one could hear you.”

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3 Responses to Aliens…where are you?

  1. C. J. Cannon says:

    BLUE ARCTURIANS. Trish and Rob, do you remember what my Dad said to me each time he took me to visit the Mt. Wilson Observatory in California? Also > Ray: perhaps the descriptions by folks who have had encounters with aliens have the appearance of “movie aliens” because it is actually the reverse: Perhaps the movie aliens look like the ETs described by folks who have encounters because that IS their appearance? The old adage “life imitates art” and “art imitates life” might be applicable here… in, movies aliens look as they do because that is the way they actually look, according to thousands who have encounters…..maybe…..?

  2. Ray G says:

    Why do all aliens look like movie aliens? Shouldn’t they at least be as diverse as those in Star Wars? In church one Saturday one of the church elders said he believes there are people on other planets. God does not want them to communicate with us because this is the only planet where sin exists. I thought it interesting.

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