Bumper Sticker Clusters


Last year when we were visiting our daughter in Orlando, we went by a New Age bookstore to browse and saw a basket of free bumper stickers that read: If anything can go well, it will! In other words, the opposite of Murphy’s law. We took several, put them on the bumpers of our cars, and Megan put one on her bumper.

Since we put them on our cars, we’ve had three experiences connected to the bumper stickers. The first one involved a battery for Rob’s car – which he ended up getting for free, He wrote about it here. The second incident involved a fender bender to the back of my car that didn’t cost us a cent because the guy who ran into us paid cash for it. I wrote about that here.

Today, there was a third incident. Rob was running late for a private yoga class that he teaches and was speeding – doing 60 mph in a 35 mph zone – toward his destination. He got pulled over by a cop, then a second cop arrived. He was detained for about ten minutes while they did the usual stuff – ran his license, looked at his insurance card. He was about to be ticketed for $270 and 3 points on his license, when the main cop walked around to the back of the car, presumably to get his license plate number, and saw the bumper sticker.

Then the cop informed Rob he was letting him off with just a warning.

In my mind, three incidents involving this same bumper sticker forms a cluster. These may not be a synchro cluster, but with each event, the message played out: If anything can go well, it will! And I suspect the point of today’s incident is to remind us of that message.

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6 Responses to Bumper Sticker Clusters

  1. sharon says:

    I am printing off two of these bumper stickers right now!! Thanks for the info

  2. c.j. cannon says:

    I agree with Adele. There is so much negative these days in the news about “bad” cops, it’s refreshing to hear about a really “good” one!!

  3. c.j. cannon says:

    Did the cop not notice the date on the tag was expired? 5-15? Apparently not, so Rob was REALLY, REALLY living the truth of that bumper sticker because driving in Florida with an expired tag date costs mega bucks! So he was truly lucky and obviously protected….either the cop failed to notice the tag date, or he noticed it, and after reading the bumper sticker decided to follow through with that philosophy!
    Wonderful cop….terrific synchro!

  4. I think we should all have that bumper sticker. And maybe stamp it on our minds. That cop must have been influenced buy the bumper sticker, don’t you think?

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