A doppelganger synchro


We’ve written about travel-related synchronicities  here a number of times, even wrote a related book called The Syncronicity Highway. When traveling it seems more opportunities arise for meaningful coincidence. Here’s a good one we noticed on Facebook that was taken from a London newspaper—a doppelganger synchro.

These two men are not brothers. On the flight in late October from London to Galway, 32-year-old Neil Douglas was surprised to find a man that looked exactly like him sitting in his seat. The doppelganger, 35-year-old Robert Stirling, had changed seats so that a couple could sit together.

“I asked him to move and when the guy looked up, I thought: “Holy s***, he looks like me” Douglas told Daily Mail. “I later checked into my hotel in Galway to find my doppelganger checking into the same hotel ahead of me…We ended up socializing and quite a few people pointed out that we looked very similar.”



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7 Responses to A doppelganger synchro

  1. Shadow says:

    Similar??? They look like TWiNS!!!

    I believe we all have a doppelganger somewhere, I’d love to run into her some time…

  2. C. J. Cannon says:

    Will do, thanks! As mentioned, I don’t like being a skeptic!! These guys look like mirror images of each other! That is rare, and must have really caused a stir!! I shouldn’t say anything….because as I wrote long ago, there is a woman in this city
    (who lived here before we arrived), and when I opened my bank account, the bank had a customer with my same name,(married name) including middle name. It was when our front page local newspaper carried a story about an auto accident that I learned she is my age, she is a nurse, she worked at our hospital as I did, but before I did, and in the accident, she was driving the EXACT same make, model, year, color of the car I drove at that time! I rec’d many phone calls from friends thinking it was me! I’ve said to myself all these years that I want to meet her, but haven’t. This was simply uncanny! I get calls for her from time to time, as I’m sure she must get some for me as well. Weird world! I’d love to know her birthdate! Gotta follow up on this one of these days.

  3. DJan says:

    I went over and looked at that article, because they really DO look a lot alike. Love the story! 🙂

  4. C. J. Cannon says:

    I hate to be a skeptic, but…..if you examine the upper teeth of each man, you will see they are IDENTICAL; the imperfections in their teeth match exactly . One of the specifics in the teeth match is their bi-cuspids on the left side of their centrals; and, the bi-cuspids hit their gums in exactly the very same (pointy) way. This is not normal. Also, above their upper lips, in the middle of their bushy mustaches, there is an EXACT spot of skin showing. I certainly totally believe in doppelganger, but at least to me, this one looks like a photoshopped trickster. Of course I can be wrong. But
    these too-much-matched things caught my attention. Could be twins playing a joke?

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