History has a version of Thanksgiving about pilgrims and the new world. But for me, it’s always been a time to be thankful for what exists in my life now.


Rob and Megan: hub and daughter on the dog beach in Jupiter, Florida. That thing in the sky is a kite; kite boarders were everywhere today.


Our dogs, Nika and Noah:  at the dog beach.  I think Noah is whispering in her ear and trying to get her to do something she doesn’t want to do.


The beach: This is the dog beach. No leashes. See all those prints in the sand? Dog prints! The wind was really blowing and the surf was rough, but it wasn’t hot!


Nika, pooped after excursion at the dog beach, resting her head on Noah’s butt.


Books: we’re surrounded by them. Here are two of our messy bookshelves.


Writing:  that’s my dad’s ancient typewriter. I wrote my first 5 unpublished novels on a similar machine. This artifact reminds me of where I started.


That redhead in the background is Esther Hicks. Megan and I attended a two-day Abraham-Hicks workshop in Asheville, North Carolina, at the Grove Park Inn.   It was strange, surreal, and powerful. But that’s a separate post.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL OUR FRIENDS IN THE U.S. But honestly, if the day is about gratitude, isn’t it international? Universal?

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11 Responses to THANKSGIVING

  1. Thanksgiving should be something we all celebrate, wherever we are – we all have so much to be thankful for, no matter what else is happening within our lives.

  2. C,J. says:

    Glorious Day!! Better keep an eye on Noah….looks like he’s planning some secret puppy capers with Nika, and she looks pretty interested in what he’s whispering!(Do you ever look at them and wonder what they are thinking! Hubby and I watched Storm last night, sitting like a human on her end of the LR sofa, seeming to be deeply in thought about something obscure.) HAPPY THANKSGIVING to the MacGregor clan, including the menagerie, and to all the blogging friends. As we move through the end of this chaotic year, may each of us, in even some tiny manner, pay Love and Peace forward in 2016!

  3. Laurence Zankowski says:


    And your famous fabulous canine friends

    Wishing that this day goes gentle into the night, with warm friendly faces sharing much gratitude for the days that have passed and those to follow, Happy Thanksgiving!

    Be well


  4. karen algrim says:

    Happy Thanksgiving MacGregors!

  5. DJan says:

    I give thanks for my dear friends in the blogosphere, and hope that you and your wonderful family have a great holiday. I just love the dog beach, and those fine four-legged family members enjoying themselves. 🙂

  6. Shadow says:

    Happy Thanksgiving. I can see where your heart lies. It’s a good spot *smiles*

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