Seeing St. Augustine

I gave two talks on synchronicity last week in St. Augustine, Florida, one to 120 high school students, the other to a group of mostly seniors at a writer’s conference. None of the high school students had heard of synchronicity. But they seemed to get it.

Since they were expecting me to talk about life as an author and to give them the inside scoop on the Indiana Jones saga, I let them in on a secret. I told them that they were all on a quest, whether they knew it or not, and whatever that quest might be, they needed to know at least one form of magic as they ventured out.

“Listen closely,” I said, “because I’m going to give you a doorway to that magic. It’s called synchronicity-meaningful coincidence.” I added that when they went through that doorway, their lives would change. They would come to recognize that in addition to our everyday world of cause and effect, there exists an underlying reality where stuff happens, as if by magic. And through synchronicity they can be guided to their own personal holy grail.

The four teachers in the room looked stunned. It was a different sort of lesson.

The other group knew Trish and I were talking on synchronicity, but most didn’t know what it meant. So, again it was back to explaining basics, keeping it simple, and inundating them with astonishing examples, many of which we’ve posted here. In fact, we were able to project our blog on a big screen. They particularly liked the Three Roberts and the Two Teapots.

At least a couple people comprehended what we were talking about, and said they really enjoyed it. But they turned out to be New Age types, one calling herself a metaphysical minister, the other recommending that we visit Cassadaga, the spiritualist community. More on that tomorrow.

So in spite of the activity here and the rising interest in synchronicity, there are still a lot of Dicks out there – so to speak. (No offense, Mr. Cavett, but your name lends to synchronicity.)

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19 Responses to Seeing St. Augustine

  1. Toumai says:

    People have been taught to fear Psychic phenomenon for the same reason that children are discouraged from talking to imaginary playmates. Children gravitate to the hidden inner world because it remains strongly imprinted in our very genetics. Even if parents do not discourage this, society beats it out of us –psychology, schools and even many books and movies.

    The question is why is this door shut?! From what I have seen of this inner world, it is extraordinarily powerful… if a door was shut it was ulimately their choice and doing.

  2. Toumai says:

    Just read your comment Jim. Thanks for the input re: 33, and interestingly, before I even read your comment above, I commented on your story "Jasper and Gyroscope" (todays post), where I mention 3+3=8 in referring to the 'artsy' world of synchronicity.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Back in the early 1980s, I taught Spanish at a private school and once a week, we opened up the class to discussion about psychic phenomena. These were 7th graders – and they were enthralled. Unfortunately, their parents were not and I was told not to talk about "that kind of stuff." So in some ways, the status quo hasn't changed all that much!
    – Trish

  4. Sansego says:

    You're forgetting what schools are all about! Its about conforming minds into being obedient workers and mindless consumers. Of course the teachers would freak out. You'll probably never get an invite to speak again, but I'm certain that more than a few students will walk away with an idea that may grow into fruition later on, and transform their lives in ways they couldn't imagine.

    School would have been a lot more fun if I had been exposed to coincidences and synchronicity back then. Honestly, it wasn't until 1994 when I started paying attention, all because of the "The Celestine Prophecy" was my wake-up call.

  5. terripatrick says:

    I love that you hit 120 high school students with a concept so fascinating and potentially empowering to them.

    I have to laugh at the "New Age" usage since most of their studies and skills are older than dirt.

    What a fun post! I love the thought of beginning a buzz in the high school – spreading through like a rash – even faster if the teachers make known their displeasure!

  6. JBanholzer says:

    Toumai, I noticed something unusual when my obscure website had 33 hits by mid-afternoon.

    And as you know, 33 is 3 times eleven. Plus 33 equals your favorite eight if you spin one of the 3's upside down and match it up with its partner 3 again.

  7. whipwarrior says:

    Rob, the fact that you picked the Lucas theater as your lecture venue due to the Indiana Jones connection brings up an interesting question. Since synchronicity is essentially unpredictable and random, then what are the possible repercussions for manipulating synchronicity? That's like playing with fate. Could it backfire somehow?

  8. Toumai says:

    now THAT has me curious

  9. JBanholzer says:

    Check this out: Both your and my websites are mystery links in today's Unknown News!

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Toumai, look at the latest entry on Books of Interest at the right, the top one, just added today.

  11. Toumai says:

    I agree. It could very well be that the simpler/obvious synchronicities were only meant as lures– curiousities designed to attract people. I found this site because I became aware of meaningfull 'coincidence'… did a little research and found Jung who named the phenomenon "synchronicity" and from here web browzed "synchronicity".

    So now here we are pooled together like pollacks when out of the blue, a wide net of more complex synchronicities are dropped… leaving little room for doubt. Now some of us are left to contemplate something that is beyond a mere sighting of a curious pattern, but a form of cryptic "language".

    This yanks open another door, forcing some to consider the reality of another intelligent life form… 'independant' source from within.

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Toumai – it's not always hard to grasp the language. Sometimes, the meaning of the synchronicity is obvious. I now think of it as a unified field theory!

    Gypsy – I remember that show! Dr. Dick. You have to wonder about the show's writers.

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, love the images, too!

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    OMG i can't quit laughing!!! and you know, it it weren't really really so sad and frightening [in ways], it WOULD be funny! but it IS sad – and frightening – the whole thing – the lack of awareness of our elders – the lack of awareness of the youth – well, and don't even get me started on the whole negative response about the President addressing our youth!!!

    so, WAY TO GO, ROB! we all applaud you and trish!

    oh, and on the DICK thing – do you all remember the cybil show and the female co-star who was married to "doctor DICK"?

    neat post!!!

  15. Toumai says:

    What really bothers me, is that some (perhaps most) tend to categorize synchronicity with the esoteric, like: "New Age", "Metaphysical" and "religious" movements.
    Though synchronicity does present itself in these areas (as in all walks) it should be classified as a scientific breakthrough.

    Problems will likely arise due to the erroneous categorization since our democracy is attempting to establish that esoteric "beliefs" are kept out of the public school system.

    Synchronicity is a distinct pattern that has progressed to the point where some consider it to be a form of "language"– albeit cryptic and hard to grasp. This is as'real' as the sign language that teacher Ann Sullivan pressed out into blind/deaf Helen Kellers palm. Helen was oblivious for quite some time as to the pattern, as many people today are oblivious to the pattern behind synchronicity that brings it into the realm of language and as such, the discovery of a unique parallel existence– an intelligent other life form.

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Ha! Little did they know what I would talk about. In fact, earlier in the week, students at said school were excused from seeing the president talk…and he said controversial stuff like work hard and wash your hands!

  17. Vanessa says:

    I would have been so excited about high school if we'd had lessons like that. Brilliant idea. I'm amazed the school let you talk/teach a "paranormal" subject, so kudos to you for teaching something worthwhile, and kudos to the school admin for being more open.
    PS: Great photos too!

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    That's why I picked that one. Also, the gate or doorway…as in the story.

  19. whipwarrior says:

    I'm not sure which is more appalling: the fact that an auditorium of high school students have never even *heard* of synchronicity, or the reaction of their narrow-minded teachers. The world could benefit from those 'New Age' types if people were more open to new ways of thinking. That's why it's important to get the message out. If your seminar influenced at least one person to pursue synchronicity, then you achieved your goal.

    P.S.- The Lucas theater ties in perfectly with the Indiana Jones reference!

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