Category Archives: St. Augustine

The Ghost and the Straight Pins

        Castillo de San Marcos, St. Augustine, Fl  For Carl Jung, spirit contact fell under the larger umbrella of synchronicity. Jung had several experiences himself with spirits, which he recounts in his autobiography. I’ve always wondered, though, what he would … Continue reading

Posted in apports, clusters, spirit contact, St. Augustine, travel | 16 Comments

Out of Nigeria

Nigeria has been in the news lately with the Christmas attempted terrorist attack originating there. So I asked Augustine Togonu-Bickersteth, of  Nigeria, who has posted synchronicities here, for his thoughts. I think you’ll find them interesting in that he couches … Continue reading

Posted in clinton, Nigeria, St. Augustine, terrorism | 14 Comments

Mercury Retrograde and Writers

In Roman mythology, Mercury is the winged messenger, the god of trade, commerce, profit. In Greek mythology, his counterpart is Hermes, messenger of the gods, the guy with the winged sandals who is associated with travel, orators, thieves, poets and … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, Mercury, retrogrades, St. Augustine, writers | 14 Comments

Seeing St. Augustine

I gave two talks on synchronicity last week in St. Augustine, Florida, one to 120 high school students, the other to a group of mostly seniors at a writer’s conference. None of the high school students had heard of synchronicity. … Continue reading

Posted in St. Augustine, writer's conference | 19 Comments