

A graphic and humorous depiction of precognition.

On a more serious note,conscious or unconscious precognitions could’ve also played a role in why so many passengers cancelled or didn’t show up to take the airplanes that crashed into the World Trade Center.

According to American Airlines records, one hundred and sixty-four reservations were made for flight 11 departing from Boston on September 11, 2001. Sixty-five people canceled their reservations prior to departure, and an additional seventeen persons were no shows. Similarly, one hundred and sixteen reservations were made on flight 77 that left from Dulles Airport in Washington, D.C. that same day. Fifty-four people cancelled their reservations, and three more were no shows. In other words, people were not scrambling board those planes that day.

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8 Responses to Yikes!

  1. I had many intertwined and close connections to NYC and the WTC, and 9/11/01 was an interesting day for me. The most profound feeling I had that day, and the following week, was being astounded that the loss of souls was so low! It should have been 10 or 20 times higher!
    Granted, the event rocked the nation and impacted the world, but I’ve always been fascinated at how many souls are still alive instead of being victims of terrorists. I assume they are living quiet lives steeped in gratitude, which I expect is of profound value to the nation and the world.

  2. That does seem a lot of cancellations and no shows. It would be interesting to know how many such cancellations they would normally expect.

  3. c.j. says:

    I’ve shared this previously but think it bears repeating. Our son’s wedding was on Saturday before 9-11-2001 here in FL. It was an enormous wedding with lots of attendants. Two of the bridesmaids lived in NY and worked in Tower One. They were so exhausted by all the wedding festivities and the flights, that both of them decided to stay home when they returned to NY and rest on 9-11. Both worked on one of the highest floors. If they had gone to work…………..no need to say more. A conviction of mine is that our souls KNOW its designed plan prior to birth, and then using free will when the time and experience come together, usually without overt rhyme or reason, a choice is made. The girls are alive and well.

  4. Ray G says:

    I wonder how many things don’t happen because someone didn’t go or do something based on a premonition? This past week I felt like going out at 3:00 AM. I didn’t go because I had a feeling. The next night I went out about the same time without worry.

  5. Shadow says:

    I’m so glad so many listened to their intuition. Would be interesting to know what % were planned (chose not to fly) and how many circumstantial (broken car for example)

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