Tony V’s Cathedral of Eternity


Years ago, we published a fascinating triple synchronicity story offered by novelist Tony Vigorito, author of Nine Kinds of Naked. It was called Eyes of a Blue Dog and we included it in The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity.

Now Tony has a new story about synchronicity that he tells in his deeply personal way. He’s got a great voice and his self-deprecating humor keeps his story from descending into a lengthy ego trip.

One of the best parts for me was his story of meeting a beautiful woman at a music festival, talking to her for hours, then pulling one card out of his tarot deck. It was the card for courage (pictured above), that shows a small plant growing out of a crack in a rock. The woman was just going through a break-up of a relationship so the card was meaningful to her. Tony told her to keep it, thinking – and hoping – that he might see her sometime later and retrieve it. He never saw her again, and now every time he open his tarot deck he realizes that it lacks the courage card, which he says is reflected in his own life.

That’s just one of many anecdotes you can find here if you read his story called The Cathedral of Eternity.

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2 Responses to Tony V’s Cathedral of Eternity

  1. Roy says:

    Quite a strange synchronicity! His anecdotes are well written.

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