The Hidden Hand


We talked about seven ‘secrets’ of synchronicity in our first book on the subject.

Robert Moss, in The Three Only Things, meanwhile, came up with nine categories for coincidence:

  • There are things that like to happen together (clusters, seriality).
  • Thoughts are actions and produce effects.
  • Coincidence multiples when we are in motion (physical or metaphorical travel).
  • Life rhymes (like clusters that involve similar words or names)
  • The world is a forest of symbols.
  • Every setback offers an opportunity.
  • To find our way we may need to get lost.
  • Look for the hidden hand.
  • The passions of the soul work magic (similar to engaging the divine).

One of these categories, the hidden hand, particularly caught our attention. It sounded like another secret of synchronicity.  Moss is referring to the nature of coincidences, how they seem to be orchestrated by a hidden order. “…events that manifest at discrete points in space and time…are the result of a single movement on another plane. Coincidences are homing beacons. They are secret handshakes from the universe.”

That’s a bit mysterious sounding, but we love the idea of synchronicity as a secret handshake from the universe!

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6 Responses to The Hidden Hand

  1. Interesting – we probably all get a helping hand occasionally as, say, when things magically work out to our good. I always say ‘thank you’, when such things happen, even though I’m not sure whom I’m thanking.

  2. Laurence Zankowski says:


    Are precog events and synchronistic events two sides of the same coin, or just another experience outside the realm of the mundane?

    I like the idea of qualifying synchro types. Maybe for me they are a subtle realm event instead of in my face, boy thats not something you see everyday.

    I am just curious about this. I do not remember synchro events in my life even though you are supposed to train yourself to be aware. Which is why i wonder if there are subtle realm synchros for us that seemed to have missed the train for physical world ones.

    Be well


    • Rob and Trish says:

      To me, precognition falls under the umbrella of synchronicity, as all paranormal phenomena do. That was where Jung put the paranormal. Others have different ideas. I think there are some synchros that are very subtle, others ot so much!

  3. Shadow says:

    This DoeS sound intriguing

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