The Christmas Day sparrow hawk


Here’s a peculiar and somewhat ominous synchro that ironically is linked with Christmas. It comes from Jane Clifford of Wales, a psychic healer who is a magnet for synchronicity.


Three years ago on Christmas morning, a little bird tried to fly in through a slightly open window. I stood up to close it and at that moment, a sparrow hawk swept down and captured the bird inches from the window. It carried off the screaming bird.

I interpreted it a warning. The startling incident happened behind my son’s head. Within days, he had the anguish of discovering his partner had been sleeping with his best friend and was moving in with him! Ouch!

So this Christmas day, the morning began with the screeching of a distressed bird. A few feet from the house a sparrow hawk had caught the bird and was busy killing it. The screeching  went on and on until the hawk finally carried the screeching bird away. This time, it was my daughter who had noticed it. So something challenging is coming her way, I think.

There’s never been another attack by a sparrow hawk near the house…just those two, both on Christmas morning.


One thought occurred to me about the story. The sparrow hawk is having it’s ‘turkey’ dinner, but with a small species of bird! The symbolism, of course, is another matter, and hopefully nothing too distressful will happen to her daughter.

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3 Responses to The Christmas Day sparrow hawk

  1. Jane says:

    Double synchro here! As I was telling a friend over the phone about the sparrow hawk one appeared on the tv screen killing a bird! I actually had a clairvoyant download about this event, something challenging may present for Sophie but intuition insists this incident again concerns my son & that he will witness a tragedy that will be utterly heartbreaking & one which will deeply affect people close to him. The tragedy is caused by someone making a mistake. I think this is within weeks & I will keep you posted.
    It gives me no pleasure to have such predictive experiences

  2. gypsy says:

    so odd to find this intriguing story this morning – just an hour or so ago, i was going to do a fb post about a strange sound out my 9th floor window – but i didn’t know quite how to describe it – the only words i could find to describe it were these: a chirping dog or a barking bird…

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