A Different Kind of Santa Claus!

I updated my phone for Christmas – to an iPhone 6s. The deal was too good to pass up. I got a $150 rebate on my iPhone5 and for $36 a month – no interest – the phone is mine. I can pay it off within 6 months without a penalty. It has 64 gigs of memory – instead of the 16 gigs that my iPhone5s had. The screen is large enough so that I can now see a full astrology chart on the screen without having to enlarge it. I don’t have to delete photos and apps to free up space. One of the apps that came with the operating system is called NEWS. It enables you to tailor news to your interests from many different sources.

So I was delighted when a story came up from the Daily Mail  about NASA’s code name for UFOs – a different kind of SANTA CLAUS! This story comes from a former employee at NASA who claims the agency has known for decades about UFOs and tried to hide what they know from the public. And that they have threatened employees with their pensions/retirement benefits if they ever go public with what they know

None of this is surprising; conspiracies continually swirl about what the government knows/doesn’t know about UFOs. But I am nonetheless intrigued by these periodic leaks and always wonder what is genuine and what is disinformation.

I poked around on You Tube until I found a video of the ex-employee talking about it all.




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10 Responses to A Different Kind of Santa Claus!

  1. c.j. says:

    P.S. I just briefly clicked back over to Clark’s site to check on the status of the book….it says chapters 1-10 are available on an e-reader, so apparently it isn’t finished. Another thing I saw is that he gave the death of JFK as November 23, 1963. Actually, JFK was killed on November 22, 1963. That’s a pretty significant error regarding such a world-altering event, especially within the context that he gave the date. And, he is asking people to commit to monthly donations for himself…..these are a few of the kinds 0f issues that raised red flags for me when I withdrew from working with him years ago. Not much in his situation seems to have changed since that time, and it was a very long time ago.

  2. c.j. says:

    I just clicked over to Clark’s site. Noticed immediately that he has dropped the “e” on his name. He now is “Clark” as opposed to “Clarke”. Also, that tiny piece of gold he is offering for $375.00….he sent me a piece of it as a gift, along with several other pieces of space shuttle memorabilia, during the time that he and I were corresponding about his book and experiences. On the left side of the site’s page, there are conversations he had with various astronauts, and the site’s lead-in quote is from President Kennedy about “outing” the UFO secrecy. I think Clark may be self-publishing his book, if indeed he ever finished it. In any case, most of the material in the book can pretty much be seen on the website, unless he’s changed it a great deal. Today is the first time I’ve clicked over there in ages, and it’s changed a lot. http://www.stargatechronicles.com

  3. DJan says:

    Congratulations on your phone upgrade. I have the 6, not the 6s, and I’m very happy with it. If I had gotten a deal like that, I would have snapped it up, too! 🙂

  4. c.j. says:

    It was and is indeed a fascinating experience for the ex-ground astronaut. But he lost absolutely everything, and at that time he was a relatively young man. All his financial security was tied to NASA, he was single, and when he was fired, everything went down the tubes. He was good friends with many of the shuttle astronauts and has some truly compelling stories that they shared with him. I think NASA allowed him to live, instead of “vanishing” him, because a death would have raised too many questions at the facility. So, the powers that be, at NASA, proceeded to ruin him, not only financially, but also trashed his reputation and in various ways making him appear nuts, etc . I do think that, at the time, he had a crash and burn breakdown of sorts from which he seems to have pretty much recovered, However, he did and does have the support of the astronauts who worked with him and now they are coming out of the UFO closet one by one, substantiating his expose non-fiction text that is certainly being ghost-written by someone because Clarke recognizes he has the information but doesn’t possess the ability to adequately write it.

  5. Interesting. I noted that the Daily Mail got their story from the Daily Express – they finish their article by saying: “NASA refuses to respond to conspiracy theories and UFO claims, but Express.co.uk has asked it to comment on Ms Hare’s allegations” – which must, therefore, be a waste of time.

  6. c.j. says:

    Several years ago, a former ground astronaut at NASA, Clarke C. McClelland, was put in touch with me by a mutual friend. Clarke was inquiring if I would be interested in ghost-writing an expose book he was doing on NASA regarding UFOs. Clarke had been summarily fired, had lost EVERYTHING, as well as receiving all kinds of threats from NASA if he went forward with the book…..due to his letting NASA know his intent. I did not ghost write the book, for reasons of my own. (One of my reasons was that I intuitively sensed although every bit of his information was valid and absolutely true, the man himself had become unhinged to some degree. And, I had been Girl Friday in my early medical career to a NASA-affiliated astrophysicist and did not want to become involved with Clarke’s expose.) But he apparently got someone else to ghostwrite it. He has a site on the web: STARGATE CHRONICLES, where he gives a lot of information. Rather than “vanishing” Clarke via some kind of “accident” or whatever, NASA instead made him seem insane and unstable to the general public. I think they succeeded, to some degree.

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