The Spirit of Kathy Doore?


Our friend and author Kathy Doore  died in the spring of  2015. She was an intrepid explorer of the weird and the strange, so it’s no surprise that she brought the ancient spiritual site of Markawasi, Peru to the western world in her book by that name.

Her memorial service in April 2015 was held on a boat and was arranged by Lynn and Bruce Gernon,  who were friends of Kathy’s. During that great boat ride, I mentioned to Bruce that I was expecting Kathy to put in an appearance of some sort. I think that appearance has finally happened. Today we received this email from Bruce:

Hi Rob and Trish,

Here is a Christmas ghost story for you.  On Tuesday the 22nd of December 2015 I had an interesting experience.  I was home alone when I got up at sunrise and had breakfast.  After eating I headed back to the bedroom and stopped in the living room because I heard a strange noise.  It was humming and vibrating.  It only took a minute to realize it was my large attic fan running on low speed.  At first I thought my wife Lynn must have left it on, but then I would have heard it the night before.  Then I thought I may have walked by it and the sleeve of my robe must have caught the switch and turned it on.  This has never happened before in 20 years so it seemed unlikely.  So I thought I will surly figure it out later and I forgot about it.

After going out and returning later that day I went into the front garage for the first time that day.  While I was in there I noticed that the garage outdoor lights were on.  So I turned them off and started thinking maybe the same thing happened as with the attic fan.  When I walked back into the house I realized that could not have happened because I would have seen the front garage lights were on the night before. 

As I walked through the hallway I stopped dead in my tracks as the hair on the back of my neck stood straight up and my entire body tingled.  I have never felt this strong of a nervous feeling before.  It was at this point I realized it was Kathy Doore letting me know she was out there.

Happy holidays,


Note that Bruce’s experience happened right after the winter solstice and just before the full moon in Cancer on December 25. Both dates, I think, are important. While we traditionally confer Halloween as the time when the veil is thinnest between the living and the dead, the winter solstice is Pluto’s terrain, the time of the dark underworld, when Pluto ferreted Persephone away. The full moon in Cancer, though, got a friendly beam from expansive Jupiter, and that planet was critical to Kathy’s life and death.

In life, she lived Jupiter’s archetype – I’m nomadic, I live to explore where no one else has gone, and I bring you gifts from those places. The last time we met, at Macaroni Grill for lunch, I took a look at her natal chart and saw that Jupiter was coming to a beneficial place relative to her sun and chart. “Great year coming up, Kathy,” I said, and explained the specifics.

“Really?” she exclaimed. “I don’t feel it. I think I may be checking out.”

Checking out may not be the phrase she used, but it was what she meant. And when it came true, I recalled the advice from Renie Wiley, my mentor in astrology and many other facets of the paranormal, who passed on many years ago.

“A beneficial angle from Jupiter can also give the soul a way out, Trish. Never forget that. It may not predict an easy death, but it does give you a way to bow out spiritually.”

And that was what Kathy did.

And if Bruce is right, then she is now back.

Thank you, Bruce, for sharing.

A postscript to this story. Lynn and Bruce Gernon have several thousand of Kathy’s books in a closet, and are now selling them on Amazon, They “inherited” the books when Kathy died. The book originally sold for $35, but the Gernons are selling it for $9.99 because they are going to be moving and can’t take all these books with them. The book is a visual feast of a profoundly spiritual journey.


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7 Responses to The Spirit of Kathy Doore?

  1. Sharon Catley says:

    Earlier this year I was lucky enough to have a visitation from a friend as she was passing. Her name is Sharon too. Three of these occurrences took place where I work. The door to the ladies washroom opened by itself to let me in I have worked in that building for 33 years and this was the first time that ever happened. I checked for drafts and there was none. Later during a meeting two of my pens went rolling down the middle of a perfectly level table twice no one else’s pens were rolling across the table and this is never happened to me before either.
    The other event happened while I was sitting in the car when my boyfriend was fishing I was reading a book and all the sudden the Seat started moving backwards and then folding down. The thing is you have to push in and hold down the button to make this happen it’s all electrical and my hands were nowhere near the controls.
    My boyfriend Karl came home from work because he felt so bad that she had passed when he went into our washroom the little angel plaque made of clay was turned upside down against the wall with the word thanks on the back showing. once again a Mystery as to how could this happen. At her celebration of life I explained my experiences and asked if anyone else had had anything happen to them of the same nature one other lady said yes she too had had a visit from Sharon. I think she came to visit us because we believe that this could happen and we would not be afraid. I miss her sweet smile and mischievous self and both Karl and I felt honored that she came to say goodbye.

  2. Interesting post and the experience from Bruce.

  3. Darren B says:

    It’s a great book at that price.
    I bought one at full price off Kathy when she was still alive and read it and enjoyed it.
    It still sits on my bookshelf today.
    It’s also strange in hindsight reading an old post I wrote about Kathy in March 2012 that she would pass away three years later in March.
    Weird, or what?

  4. natalie Thomas says:

    Interesting that Kathy knew she was checking out!

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