Soul Mates – or What?

This amazing video certainly reveals what we don’t know about our animal companions. I’ve never seen anything like this cat and owl – playing, coddling, obviously buddies.



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10 Responses to Soul Mates – or What?

  1. Nancy says:

    Life is so amazing sometimes. Loved this!

  2. I saw this before and LOVED seeing it again. Black cats are my favorite and have been the smartest and most special ones for me. Shhhhhsh . . . don’t tell the others.

    The owl sure has the advantage of being able to fly and drive that cat crazy. What a work out he gets!

    I also enjoyed the story of MaCat and LadyGirl. Sniff. sniff . . .sad, sweet, makes me cry.

  3. DJan says:

    I just loved this video, and the story that mathaddict told about his wonderful creatures. What a way to start my Sunday! Thank you both (all of you?) so much!

  4. FLASH: Iceland volcano ash could reach northern Scotland by midday Tuesday if eruption continues at same intensity – Met officials

  5. mathaddict3322 says:

    I just want to add that as LadyGirl approached the end of her life, she began to have severe seizures. The vet instructed us to leave her alone and allow the seizure to pass, then give her time to re-orient. When the seizures would occur, MaCat would perch on whatever piece of furniture happened to be closest to the dog; her eyes would dilate, and she would watch LadyGirl without moving a hair on her body, still as a statue. After the seizure passed, MaCat would immediately jump down and go to the dog, rubbing all over her, licking her in the face gently, getting as close to her as she could, and after she had literally “stroked” LadyGirl’s entire body,
    MaCat would lay quietly between the dog’s front paws with her head nestled against LadyGirl’s neck, under her chin. It was the most sad yet most inspiring and beautiful and awesome connection between two animals, especially two species, that I’ve ever witnessed. They had to have been soulmates. Had to have been. When she died six days after LadyGirl, we knew she went to be with her very best creature friend.

  6. Delightful! And there’s a lesson within the video.

  7. mathaddict3322 says:

    What a great way to start Sunday morning! Obviously the video is proof there are no such things as “natural enemies”. Our previous yellow lab and our female unspayed tuxedo cat were such best buddies that they transitioned within a week of each other. LadyGirl first, then six days later, MaCat followed. It was a double-whammy sorrow for our family. When MaCat had babies, even when they were first born, she would leave them to go on a hunt, and LadyGirl would very literally babysit the little ones, cleaning them, guarding them, not allowing strangers near them, laying a gentle paw across them if neighbors came near. As the babies grew, they ran and played all over the dog while the cat sat and had “time out” from being the attentive mother, grooming herself or simply doing what cats do best, being aloof and snooty, while LadyGirl romped with the kittens. We have some amazing photos of their interactions and of their obvious devotion to each other. The weird part is that MaCat came to us as an intensely feral stray, and for several years would have nothing to do with the human family, only with the family canine. LOVE IS STRANGE!

  8. friend of nica says:

    how absolutely incredible!!! i loved this little movie, “the owl and the pussycat” – wonderful!

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