Graduation Signs

Travel often attracts synchronicities and our recent trip to Sarasota, Florida for Megan’s college graduation was no exception. Odd little synchronicities kept popping up.

1) On our first night, Megan took us to her favorite college drinking hole. We were sitting at the corner of the bar, music playing loudly, when I noticed a television nearby was showing a movie with subtitles. I glanced up and saw Mel Gibson. I looked again and caught a brief glimpse of a reptilian alien, and knew it was Signs.

That caught my interest because I’d recently decided I wanted to see that movie again. I didn’t think much of it the first time, but decided to give it another try. In fact, Signs was at the top of our list on Netflix. Β I was about to mention the synchro to Trish when a subtitle came up with the Gibson character saying: “There are no coincidences.”

2) When we checked into our hotel room, we saw that we had a spa bath. We mentioned that we couldn’t remember seeing a bathtub, much less a spa tub, in a hotel room.

The next morning, we went downstairs to the lobby for breakfast and picked up a copy of USA Today. I scanned the summary headlines on the left column of the front page and was surprised to see one that read: “Where are the bathtubs? Most Hotels Go Shower Only.”

Besides being a synchronicity, it was an odd article to feature, even as a brief capsule, on the front page above the fold. If it wasn’t so visible, we probably wouldn’t have noticed it. It was almost as if a special newspaper was published just for us to give us a bathtub synchro!

3) Besides attending Megan’s graduation, we were also helping her move out of her dorm room. She’s on crutches with her broken foot and needed help. On one trip down to our car I carried a piece of wood about three feet long and a foot and a half wide. On one side was painted a single word in red: LOVE. It had been hanging on Megan’s wall.

As I walked down the sidewalk leading from the dorm, an attractive young woman walked toward me. As she came closer, I noticed her t-shirt featured a single word: LOVE.

I fumbled with my board for a moment, thinking of flashing her my LOVE, but then she was past me and moving on. If I’d been quicker, I might’ve even greeted her, ‘Hi, Love,’ and raised my board. Instead, I just turned to Trish and said, “Hey, did you see that girl’s t-shirt?”

Maybe it’s a sign., love is all around us… so let’s bathe in it.



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13 Responses to Graduation Signs

  1. Darren B says:

    I have to agree with Mike when he says,”Can’t beat travel for synchro and experiences”.
    I notice that when I go out on day trips to places that aren’t that familiar to me,the sychros tend to cluster,and are usually the more important ones,that I don’t realize how important they really are,until a later date into my future.

    Talking about the movie “Signs”,I was like you.When I saw it at the cinema the first time I wasn’t that impressed,as far as the alien story went,anyway.But when it came out on to DVD,a national magazine in Australia was having a competition where one winner would get a “Signs” wristwatch and a copy of the movie on DVD, and 10 runners-up would receive a DVD,but no watch.
    Like you,I felt for some reason that I should watch it again,so I entered the competition thinking that if the Universe really wanted me to watch this film,then it should let me win the watch…as a sign,so to speak.I thought,what are the odds of just winning a copy of the DVD,never mind the watch,as well?
    Well you probably guessed it,I did win the watch.And I still wear it to this day.
    It’s gone through a few batteries and a wristband,but every time I put it on,I never forget that it was my sign from the Universe.And I’ve watched that movie countless times and never get sick of it.
    And speaking about LOVE signs,there’s a guy in Queensland (my home state) that makes really cool “stop in the name of LOVE signs”. Although, I have to say that they are a bit too expensive for my liking.
    Here’s a link to his site for those reading,who might want to take a look;
    Cheers / Daz

  2. friend of nica says:

    what light and fun synchros! neat stories – and odd you mention on about television – last night my daughter cindy was down and i was telling her about the cyber thief who stole one of my poems and pasted it on their site – and just as i was saying something like “a thief by any other name is still a thief” – one of the characters on the tv program that was on said this exact quote at that very minute: “it’s plagiarism”! we LOL!!!

  3. whoot says:

    but really the fact is there are concidences,, IT IS A LAW OF PROBABILITIES,, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar,, not everthing that happens is a message,, but guess everthing could be interpuratied,, whether worthy or not…

  4. Grace says:

    πŸ™‚ This was a fun read for today.

    I had a cool sychronicity happen to me yesterday. I like to go ‘treasure hunting’ in second hand stores when time allows. It finally did yesterday, for the first time in weeks! One of the items I had in mind were some small glass bottles with cork tops, to use for storing my seeds, or for herbal infusions, etc. I got the idea when I found a couple of old bottles without corks. They were actually in my hand all the way to the checkout, when I decided against them. “Why not wait until I find some really lovely ones with the corks?”

    Do I have to say this? πŸ™‚ At the very next stop, as if they were waiting for me, were two Italian glass jars, shaped liked hearts. They looked totally brand new, with their corks firmly in place.

  5. Nancy says:

    Sounds good to me. πŸ™‚

  6. Can’t beat travel for synchro and experiences. I think it’s partly the stimulation of being away from the norm – which heightens the senses. And, yes, let’s bathe in love. Three great synchros: liked the ‘there are no coincidences’ as per 1.

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