A Precognitive Dream


Back in the summer of 2009, Rob went trail biking – the kind of biking where you slam over obstacles like fallen trees. It had rained that day, which broke the stifling Florida heat and usually meant the trail was well packed. I reminded him to take his cell phone since we’d had some car issues, but he couldn’t find it.

Around 8 PM, I heard the front door open, shut, which was odd. He usually came in through the garage. I went out into the living room and he was sprawled on the couch, eyes squeezed shut. “I think I sprained my ankle,” he said, and lifted his injured foot onto the edge of the coffee table.

I took one look at his foot and knew this wasn’t a sprain. A bone on the outside of his foot was about the size of an apricot. “Uh, I think this is a fracture or a break. I’ll get some ice.”

So I got a bucket of ice, then headed to the internet to look for information on the bones in the feet. I figured the bone that was fractured or broken was the cuboid, on the forefoot, as it’s called. I wondered if there was a synchronicity connected to any of this.

Later on, I stacked up a bunch of books we’d been using as references and put them on Rob’s desk. A few minutes later, he called out: “You aren’t going to believe this. You know those books you just put on my desk? I picked up Jung’s autobiography, turned to chapter 10, and here’s how it starts: ‘In the beginning of 1944, I broke my foot…’”

Skip ahead seven years. On January 7, 2016, my friend Millie Gemondo and I traded readings, as we frequently do. The exchange really isn’t fair because I simply read the tarot cards and Millie is a psychic who has made a number of correct predictions for us over the year. During the exchange, Millie told me to warn Rob to be careful when he went biking. She saw him falling off the bike and said it could be serious. I remembered the broken foot from 2009, so I passed on her message to Rob.

“A synchro,” he said, and reminded me that six years ago, he had a vivid dream that on January 7 (no year given in the dream), he would fall from his mountain bike and die. A few days after that dream, he’d related it to a friend with intuitive abilities who told him he wouldn’t die, but would be paralyzed, and for him that would be like death.

Needless to say, Rob avoids mountain biking every January 7, even though it’s prime riding time in South Florida. He has continued that tradition ever since he had the dream. Several times, he has remembered his dream date with death at the last hour. His regular riding partner, worried that the dream might have been about him, now also avoids riding on January 7.

That story might sound silly to a non-believer, but why challenge such a dream? Instead, Rob acted on it. As he puts it, “I honor that day for life rather than death.”

This is how precognition works in its purest form, I think. A possible future is glimpsed and we can take action to change it.


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4 Responses to A Precognitive Dream

  1. Nancy says:

    Now, if we can just pay attention to the signs along the way. I like how Rob said he honored the day for life – not death. I think you are right – it’s all about choice. But we are so often focused on the negative we cannot see how we can change the outcome by looking at the situation differently.

    Good post!

  2. Jane says:

    Just noticed the X Ray pic, that would have been splendid to link through at the time!
    Destiny also takes a part in how well a healing works too I think

  3. Jane says:

    Yes we can change it if it’s our destiny to do so! I met you both online just after this accident & for the first time sent healing to someone I had never met via a photo link on my mobile phone. Rob had a mini healing crisis & immediate improvement it was a valuable experience for me because since then I have healed others via photo link which I had not tried before, so I was grateful for the experience.

    As a clairvoyant it can be disappointing if people don’t heed warnings in 2 cases I can think of people told “if you take this job you will regret it, there are many unforeseen challenges & set backs & you won’t come out ahead you could come out owing” They ignored forecast but sadly I was right! But maybe we can only rely on our own precognition and don’t fully trust others.
    Sometimes there is good news, I remember a businessman going bankrupt losing business & property but he feared losing his cottage a very special place ! I was able to accurately predict he would not lose it that somehow it seemed protected, he stopped me in town to say I had been right.

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