Ken Peterson


This weird synchro is the sort that happens when you least expect it. I suspect it has its own category, but I’m not sure what to call it yet. It’s a mix of trickster, cluster, confirmation.

A couple of weeks ago, Carol Bowman and I were catching up by phone. Carol is an author, past-life researcher and regressionist. In the early 1990s, after an appearance on Oprah where she discussed her research, her book Children’s Past Lives was published. It was triggered by her young son’s sudden fear of loud noises – specifically, fire crackers at a 4th of July party. This book was followed later by Return to Heaven, where Carol talks about how in some past life cases, the present body bears physical evidence of the previous life in terms of scars or birth marks. We met because one day in a browse through Borders, her first book literally fell at my feet.

So in this conversation, Carol  asked if I knew about the Travis Walton abduction case in 1975. It’s probably one of the best abduction cases on record, so yes I’d heard of it. I explained that not long after our Aliens in the Backyard had been published, we received an email from one of the men in the logging group with Walton when he was abducted.

“Which guy?” Carol asked.

“Ken Peterson.” His email, in fact,   had begun with an explanation that he was sitting next to Walton in the truck at the time of his abduction.

“Great. I’m mailing you a documentary called Travis that my friend, Jennifer Stein, produced.”

The DVD arrived last week and reminded me that I hadn’t heard from Ken for a long time and that I should probably email him. I got caught up in work and never got around to it.

Today, Rob and I were on our way to Whole Foods. We had planned to see Star Wars tonight with some friends, but it got pushed to the next day, so we agreed we should watch Travis. A few minutes later, I received an email from Ken. Synchro, I thought.

We watched the documentary that night. It’s well done and includes interviews with Ken and a couple of the other men who were part of that logging crew all those years ago. It includes scenes where Travel and Ken return to the site of the UFO experience all those decades ago. When I wrote back to Ken after we’d watched the movie, I explained the details of the synchronicity.

Trish, Thank you. That is fantastic. I figured something would happen if I got back to you. The 1st interview I did with Travis was 27 years after the encounter, and the ABC special was in connection with Shymalan’s movie Signs. It took 38 years for Travis and me to return to the UFO site together. We were with 2 people. Jennifer Stein was one of them!

– Ken

Ken is searching for answers, just like Travis and the other men who were with him that night. Because of the connection to Carol Bowman, I suggested that perhaps the message of this synchro was that he should find a qualified regressionist in his area who could take him back to that night. I noted that I had asked Carol in the past if she could regress an abductee or someone who’d had a UFO experience, but she felt she wasn’t qualified to do it. “I know how to deal with a client who has a deeply emotional reaction to past life memories,” she said. “But with something like this, I would be in unchartered territory.”

I told him I’d like to write a post on this sequence of synchros and asked if it was okay with him.

Trish, Yes, please do a post, and we will see where it leads. The other posts you did led to some incredible things.

So, we’ll see!

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12 Responses to Ken Peterson

  1. c.j. says:

    The use of hypnosis for accessing encounter and abduction memories has become a source of debate. There are many debunkers and skeptics who accuse hypnotists of “leading” clients and of asking questions that plant suggestions into the client’s subconscious. I have no doubt this does occur. However, one of my closest friends for the last almost-thirty years is a PhD who earned a doctorate in clinical/medical hypnosis. I will simply refer to him here as ‘Doc’. He teaches physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, dentists, mental therapists, etc, uses of hypnosis in their various capacities with patients for pain control, smoking cessation, weight loss, overcoming phobias, and other clinical issues. Doc also facilitates regressions…..both current and past life. He has created innovative techniques for induction and facilitating the process. Doc never, never, never makes leading suggestions. With his cooperation, I have observed his facilitations on many occasions, and he has hypnotized me, as well. He always makes a tape of each session. Once his client has achieved the proper brain wave level, in cases of past life retrieval, Doc simply will merely say something like this, “C.J., it is now November 9, 1981. Look around and tell me where you are and what you see”. He continues in that manner, never telling the client anything. He asked the client questions such as “What are you wearing? Is anyone with you? Tell me what that person looks like. Are there any houses or other structures near you?” These types of comments. He never says anything that can be mistaken for “leading” the client. For example, he doesn’t say, “Did you see a UFO that night? Did you encounter Grays around you?” Never anything suggesting events. He allows the person to relate events to him. This type of hypnosis is very valuable in acquiring accurate memories that are buried in the client’s subconscious without any leading from him. He may asked, “Have you always lived on Earth?” but never “Have you ever lived on another planet than Earth?” The results he gets are often phenomenal. However, his techniques are not universally followed. so I understand why skeptics and debunkers laugh at hypnosis as a way to remember incidents and events. I know this comment is too long, but needed to explain that hypnosis, in the best hands, is a wonderful tool for probing memories. Carol Bowman is another hypnotist who uses such great techniques for obtaining reliable, valid information from her clients. Her descriptions are in her books. Young children are treasure troves of information and frequently will converse about other lifetimes just in ordinary beta consciousness.
    Our youngest grandson talks about where he was before he was here, and that he “picked” his Mommy and Daddy; that when he goes back there and comes back again, he’s going to be a football player! These remarks come from him as casually as he asks “what’s for supper, Mommy?” It blows the mind!!

  2. c.j. says:

    Jane, yes. My own terrifying abduction experience at Warner AFB in 1981 involved our own military and Grays; our own aircraft, and UFO craft, all present and accounted for during my and my son’s awful experience. Gov’t knows. No doubt. And probably creating much to which we have zero access.

  3. DJan says:

    I look forward to hearing what comes of this, Trish. You always seem to be surrounded by synchronous events. 🙂

  4. Jane says:

    Anyone seen the new X files in which a theory I ran past Rob some years ago was presented that the abductions are done by our governments who have the technology to make us believe it’s ET, but who are intent onbreeding their own alien hybrids for their own sinister reasons. I would like to know what you all think about that? Did we got the technology from ET are using it for sinister reasons? Any thoughts ?

    • Rob and Trish says:

      It’s a confusing matter because numerous abductees – including Whitley Strieber – have seen a combination of military types with the OOTs – ‘out of towners’. That’s my favorite new phrase for aliens.

      • Laurence Zankowski says:

        You should convince Carol Bowman to go into these uncharted waters.

        Having ridden through that area of AZ, Numerous times, it is isolated. But, i never found it to welcoming.( excluding the ride from NM to Clifton, AZ on the Wolf Creek run.)

        As to X-Files, funny how that show and David Lynch’s Twin Peaks seem to be connecting to shadow states and “out of towners”. “the owls are not what they seem” which points to Mike Clelland’s work.

        There are many threads to this tapestry we weave…

        Be well,

        Laurence Zankowski

        • Rob and Trish says:

          Carol is not easily convinced, Laurence. The technique she has developed, at least as I understand it, is specific to past lives. Back in the 90s, she did a group progression during a workshop, which Vicki De Laurentis, one of the commenters, experienced and that we’ve written about. But I think regression involving UFO encounters, may be very specific. But hey, I’ll pass on your suggestion!

          • Laurence Zankowski says:

            You’re right, this might not be in the realm of Carol Bowman’s work. Regression, as I know of it, deals with past lives, of which there could be, could be, a spiritual / ethereal body dna aspect to abduction cases.

            Shifting gears:

            I think this actually deals with the realm of trauma, the masking of the trauma and might be better suited to Donald Kalssched’s work in this area.

            I tried to get into one of his lectures while back in Corrales,NM.

            Talk about masking. When ever I mention to anyone the ride from Silver City, NM, to Clifton, AZ, I always say” wolf creek” that is not the name, it is Mule Creek, and it is one if not the best ride in the southwest. The ride from Clifton to Eager,AZ. is right thru Apache-Sitgreaves. I just found it not inviting…

            Be well


  5. natalie says:

    Certainly amazing, Trish!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Hey Nat! Nice to see you.Is your blog back up??

      Yeah, this case is fascinating!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      One thing Trish didn’t mention was that when Ken emailed Trish he asked her for a synchronicity that would lead him forward. At the time, she said to me: “How can I give a synchronicity.” It was only then that I reminded her that we had plans to watch the Travis doc that night. Certainly that seemed like a synchro…and so she gave it to him!

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