A Glint from Sixto


Last month, I wrote a post about Sixto Castillo, an inmate in a New Mexico prison who read The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity and wrote us about his interest in metaphysics and synchronicity. He’d said his spirit guide told him about an eighth secret of synchronicity. So, of course when I wrote him back, I asked what it was.

His response: “So what is the 8th Secret of Synchroncity? It’s the linking of 7 very important parts of our being – the 7 chakras.” He went on to say the link was related to kundalini energy, electromagnetism and DNA. I didn’t understand how that fit into synchronicity, and he seems to have figured that.

“How is this even relevant, you may say. Okay, let’s look only at the root and the crown. These two chakras are the most important vortexes, why? Because one keeps us anchored to the ground or sister Earth and the other hooks us to the outer most region of the atmosphere into and beyond the gravitational field. These two connect us to two different consciousnesses – the Earth where we live, and the higher place where…we connect with   synchronicity, and the Universe or Orchestrator of all the vast events and all that seem unexplainable.”

He also wrote again about his spirit guide he calls ‘Connie.’ He explained that she lived in the 11th century and was enlightened at the age of 11. She was praying to know things that others wouldn’t know because she was tired of being treated like a dummy and boom, she ‘knew.’ She seemed to outwit and out teach a lot of the philosophers of the day, but had trouble controlling or grasping the knowledge until she was taken in by an aging Chinese man who guided her.

All that said, the part of this letter that really caught my attention was near the end when he asked me about the word ‘glint.’ “Glint…man, I’ve been trying hard to find this place or whatever it is. I know that it means flash, beam, sparkle. But so far I don’t know what it means, but maybe you can help me with this mystery.”

I have to say I was a bit stunned, because in fact I had been thinking about ‘glint’ that morning. I wrote back saying…

“Sixto, I’m going to help you with the mystery of ‘glint.’ Well, at least I will tell you about glint. The day I received your letter I was reading a novel called, THE QUEST, by Nelson DeMille, one of my favorite authors. On page 324, I read this line, in which the ‘love interest’ character addresses the protagonist: “You were going to tell us what a glint is.” When I read that (before your letter arrived) I thought that’s a strange thing to focus on. Doesn’t she know what a glint is?

“The protagonist, Frank Purcell goes on to explain that “It’s what it sounds like—a quick reflection of light on a shiny surface. Pilots in combat look for the glint of an enemy aircraft, or the glint of a metal target on the ground.” Purcell is in Ethiopia with two others in search of a black stone monastery hidden in the jungle where supposedly – legend has it – the Holy Grail is kept. A deep secret. They fly over the area taking photos and looking for a glint that might reveal the location of the monastery. The story carries on for a couple of chapters about the search for the glint, and there are more references later. So it’s really strange that you send me that off-the-wall comment about a glint…”

I think Sixto has developed some interesting psychic abilities while behind bars. It seems that he can ‘see’ from a distance – clairvoyance or remote viewing. A handy ability when you’re a prisoner. In spite of it, he seems to have a certain ‘glint’ in his eye.

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4 Responses to A Glint from Sixto

  1. Crow says:

    Interesting. Ask him if he knows anything about phase shifting.

  2. c.j. says:

    From the “URBAN” site when I googled the word, here’s another definition of the word GLINT:

    “GLINT….A street drug that is made from mixing various household chemicals together, particularly drain cleaners, and forming them into a gel-like consistency. Glint is applied to the lips using one or more fingertips, creating an experience of an altered mental and physical state.

    GLINT appears to have originated in women’s correctional facilities at some point in the 1960s.”

    Interesting, huh! And strange. Wonder why they named the drug “glint”?

  3. Shadow says:

    Glint. Such a good word. Sharp. A prisoner with psychic abilities, clairvoyance. Hmm, not something that could ever be jailed. A truly free ‘world’. Must explore *grin*

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